Malcolm X By: Dee Johnson¤t=wallpaper4_8001.jpg&newest=1
Introduction Malcolm Little (X) was a good person, even though he used violence he was still doing it for a good cause. Learn more about him on this power point.
Arrested Malcolm was arrested in 1944 for selling drugs for money, illegally gambling, he started robbing, and doing bad things to people.
Burglary In 1940 Malcolm moved to Boston, Massachusetts were he lived with his sister. He later started getting into trouble. He soon began selling illegal drugs. He then moved to New York city were he continued crime by selling drugs for money, illegally gambling, he started robbing, and doing bad things to people. He eventually went to prison for six years.
Civil Rights Movement He made a huge impact in the Civil Rights Movement
Died Malcolm X died February 1965 at age 39¤t=malcolmxfuneral.jpg&newest=1
Elijah Muhammad Elijah Muhammad was Malcolm’s teacher and mentor. He was also leader of the NOI.
Father Earl Little was his dad. He died at a young age. He was found crushed under a trolley 2 years after the fire at Malcolm’s childhood home.
Gambled Malcolm X gambled illegally during his time of crime.
Hospital His mother lived in a mental hospital for 24 years.
ill His mother became mentally ill and could no longer support her family and went to a Mental Institution.
Father Earl Little was his dad. He died at a young age. He was found crushed under a trolley 2 years after the fire at Malcolm’s childhood home.
Father Earl Little was his dad. He died at a young age. He was found crushed under a trolley 2 years after the fire at Malcolm’s childhood home.
Justice Malcolm wanted justice and sometimes tried to get it by using violence.
Ku-Klux-Klan The KKK burned down Malcolm’s house.
Losses He lost a lot of his family. Mom Dad
Malcolm X Malcolm was born on May 19, 1925
NOI Is a group that practices a form of the religion called Islam.
OAAU The OAAU (Organization of Afro-American Unity) They wanted blacks to think and do things for themselves.
Prepared Malcolm was prepared to die. He knew someone was coming for him to kill him.
Quit He did all he could to help people and change the world and never quit, even up until he died.
Racism Malcolm hated racism, that was one thing he was fighting for, to end racism.
Shot Malcolm X was shot 15 times at point blank range, and died on February 1965
Tough Malcolm’s speeches were tough and out going.
Unity The way Malcolm used unity is to educate Black people and other races on equality of all people.
Violence Malcolm Little (X) would use violence if he had to, to fight racism against Black people.
Wise He figured out that blacks all over were being treated cruelly.
X Malcolm X was not his name it was Malcolm Little. He changed his name when he became a Muslim.
Young Malcolm was a smart, focused student.
Zombie Malcolm X said, “I did many things as a [Black] Muslim that I'm sorry for now. I was a zombie then.”
Conclusion As you can tell he was a very good man even though he used violence, the reason was to fight racism. Some people have to use it to make a difference.
Works cited Melody S. Mis, Meet Malcolm X, The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc.