Malcolm Raggett, SOAS, 2000 Anarchy versus Control in Web Site Management Malcolm Raggett IT Manager School of Oriental and African Studies University of London
Malcolm Raggett, SOAS, 2000 Overview Why are you doing this Web stuff? How have Web sites evolved? What factors need consideration? What is the manager’s role? Conclusion
Malcolm Raggett, SOAS, 2000 Why are you doing this Web stuff? Because it’s there/new/fun/kudos We’ve got all this infrastructure, so we’d better find a use for it To fulfil specific aims To reduce staff head count To recruit more students To improve learning and research For knowledge capture To share information and experience (knowledge management) To improve communication
Malcolm Raggett, SOAS, 2000 Evolution of Web Content Individual enthusiasts Individual groupsCross-disciplinary teamsJoined-up teamsInstitutional coherence[joined-up institutions][inter-institutional coherence]
Malcolm Raggett, SOAS, 2000 Some Management Factors to Consider Institutional culture Evolution v. Revolution Anarchy v. Control Low inertia v. high inertia Democratic v. Autocratic Consistent v. Inconsistent Resources Hardware, software, infrastructure Staffing – quantity, quality, distribution Training Management structure – now, future Policies, strategies, codes of practice
Malcolm Raggett, SOAS, 2000 The Manager’s Role Traditional manager’s job P lan O rganise E xecute M easure Networked manager’s job D efine A llocate [ M onitor] N urture With apologies to Thomas A. Stewart Intellectual Capital
Malcolm Raggett, SOAS, 2000 So What? There’s no right answer, but there are lots of partially right ones! There’s no formula, but there are lots of variables!
Malcolm Raggett, SOAS, 2000 Discussion So why is your institution doing Web stuff? What stage(s) has your institution reached? And how can you use this knowledge?stage(s) What other factors need consideration?factors Is managing the Web really different, or is it being used to further a hidden agenda? What recommendations do you have and who should be listening?