Lesley Bridges Ms. Loftus My favorite memory is when I met my friend Jillian Chadwick, in kindergarten and we stayed best friends since. Shout Outs I give shout outs to my mom,dad,my best friend and Mrs. Connly. The Best Lesson I’ve Learned was never get to mad at your best friend.
Shout Out: Thanks to all the teachers I had, for teaching me and to my whole family for letting me go to this school. I also want to say good luck to my brother Justin for your rest of your elementary years. My favorite memory: When I met Vance Eugene In 4 th grade and also my First band concert. The best lesson I learned: Was when I learned to play The clarinet and how to Make rock candy Ms. Loftus
Connor Capobianco Ms. Loftus The Best Lesson I’ve Learned is how to make brownies SHOUT OUTS Mom Dad Ms. Loftus Justin Bieber My favorite memory When I was the main character in Bob goes to school
Jillian F. Chadwick Ms. Loftus Shout outs: My mom, dad, and sister. My friends Lesley and Sarah. My favorite teacher Mrs. Connly and awesome principal Mr. Breault. My favorite lesson to have learned is to play the flute. Special thanks to Mrs. Dame for teaching me! My favorite memory is the 4 th grade state fair.
Allyson Charpentier Ms. Loftus My favorite memory is Iditarod races every year In computer class My best lesson is practice makes perfect Thank you Mom Dad Abby and Nick
Derek Michael Benjamin Driscoll Ms. Loftus Shout Outs Forrest, Mom,and Dad, Liam My favorite memory is when I lived in Northbridge on 1645 Hill Street. The best lesson I’ve learned is not to play with matches. I almost burned down a house! This is me! Northbridge
Anna Rose Gauvin Ms. Loftus My favorite memory. When I said I had an army of NINJA UNICORNS on top of the bus ready to attack Derek Driscoll Best Lesson DO YOUR BEST!!!!!!! Shout Outs Bacon Ms.Maloney Steak Mom&Dad Can you find the heart???? I <3 Bacon
Andrew Girouard Ms. Loftus The best lesson I’ve learned is practice makes perfect Shout outs Mom Dad Tyler U.S. Armed Forces My Favorite memory was when Mr.Keefe stole Mike Beachman’s shoes
Jeffrey Hebert Ms. Loftus Shout Outs! My Dad and my Friends Best Lesson Make sure your friends get along. My Favorite Memory When I met my best friend Lorenzo!
Christopher “The Tsunami” Inman Ms. Loftus The Best Lesson, is Always do your best! My idol is The inventor of baseball Go UNC!!!!!! The best memory Was When I pranked The teachers “Aaaccchhhooo!”
Joseph F Jepsen Ms. Loftus The Best Lesson I’ve Learned is how to play football Thanks Connor, crispy, Calvin, Chris, and Damon. My favorite memory is when my dad took me to a Bruins game. Arghh!
Nicholas Jepsen Ms. Loftus My favorite lesson learned: Definitely, just to be yourself! My favorite memory: When my friend Damon and I were having a conversation and I randomly said I’m a pharmacist. It was really funny! Shout Outs: To my sister Jordan, nice Job getting to Be number #1 Out of all of The Sophomores.
Steven Lane Ms. Loftus The best lesson I have learned how to bake brownies Shout outs thanks for being a nice teacher My favorite memory was my Washington D.C project
Malcolm Little Ms. Loftus My Favorite Memory When I met my friend Chris P and Calvin When I met my friend Anthony and Ben in first grade. Shout Outs: Mom Dad Family Friends My fish Frog And teachers
Kerry McGrath Ms. Loftus The best lesson I Learned is you Don’t have to friends but You have to be friendly. I want to make A shout out to my mom For taking care of Me and having great Laughs! My favorite memory is When I met Zachary Stalatire.
Annabel T. Mott Ms. Loftus My favorite memory- When I first met my best friends. My Best Lesson- Be your self Shout outs- Thanks to my mum, my dad, my sister, my dog and the rest of my friends and family for pushing me to the stars.
Mommy, Daddy, Grilled Cheese Best lesson I’ve learned: D x 2 L / 2 Shout Outs: My Favorite Memory was when I was the Empire State Building at the state fair. Also when I saw someone at the store buy 10 pounds of potatoes. HI MOMMY! HI DADDY!
Christopher Peltier Ms. Loftus My favorite memory was when:I met my three best friends Malcolm, Joe, and Calvin Shout out! thanks for everything Auntie Sup cao Malcolm whats up! What up jepsens If your reading this Your asome
Liam J. Rogan Ms. Loftus Shout outs Mom,Dad, and my siblings My favorite memory was when Mrs. Sweeny asked me for the definition of decrepit and told me it was something I would never call her You can always fix anything with family
Corrina Rossetti Ms. Loftus The Best Thing I Learned:Always listen to your teacher,it helps! My favorite memory: Is making friends with Katie Yarber, Annabel Mott and everyone in My class. Shout Outs:I want to say hi to My family,friends and teachers. I’ll miss you guys!
Katie Yarber Ms. Loftus My Favorite Memory: When My Friends Corinna, Jaden, Liam, Nick, And I Went OSV. We Sat On A Sled So We Could Get Our Picture Taken. No One Looked At The Camera. I Still Have The Picture. Shout Outs: Mom, Dad, Kelsey, All Of My Friends. The Best Lesson I’ve Learned: How To Make Brownies WA Rules!!!
Damon “Spikey Hair” Yargeau Ms. Loftus The Best Lesson I’ve Learned is not to cry over spilled milk! My favorite memory is When my football went Undefeated to the super- Bowl and we beat Boston!!! This is a shout out to my family, Chris I., Nick J., Noah C., Calvin C., Sean B., Jarrod and Justin B.,Malcolm L., Ben F., and last but not least Coon and friends!