WISeWorld2000 WISeKey By Malcolm Hutchinson CEO & Cofounder WISekey
The WISekey PKI Revolution The market for PKI technology is expected to be one of the fastest growing new economy related technologies. Leading institutions estimate the worldwide PKI market to grow from USD 1,1 bn in 2000 to 3,5 bn in 2003.
PKI Avantages Use of PKI enables : Secure authentication of the sender, encryption and integrity of the content and proof of delivery B2B e-commerce & B2C e-commerce: identification of customers, suppliers and B2B exchange participants, as well as legal recognition of on-line contracts Access Control: Providing information and services to only authorized users. On-line banking: secure log-in and signature of banking and trading transactions.
PKI is the Superior Technology
WISekey Partners Building a Global Solution Baltimore Technologies Datamatics Oracle Rainbow Technologies Celo Communications ITU-ECDC Mount10 DataKey Avataro Hewlett Packard Octree Technologies Intel MCI Worldcom Valicert Entegrity Solutions Gemplus KyberPass Vordel EcommercePKI
WISeKey Trust Model Use existing Trust Parties through digitizing their current processes – Analog to Digital Trust. WISeKey acts as the interface between the islands of trust providing global recognition and inter- operability. Technically achieved through the sharing of a root certificate by high authenticate Certification Authorities. Neutral ownership of the root certificate by a Swiss Foundation, operated by WISeKey and administered by a neutral forum.
WISeKey PKI Market Potential There are now more than one billion documents on the web. 6,409,521 servers distribute these documents to more than 200 million users. Of these users, approximately two thirds use the Internet for conducting business, predominately being for . The growth rate is more than doubling each year. Source Inktomi and NEC Research Institute
WISeKey PKI Market Potential Worldwide e-business-to-business revenue is projected to outstrip worldwide business to consumer revenue on the web by a factor of more than four by Source: Dataquest Total business sales via the Internet will rise from US$43 billion in 1998 to US$1.3 trillion by Source: Forrester Research
WISeKey PKI Market Potential Based upon current trends, there should be more than one billion users of the Internet by If two thirds of those remain business users, then there are more than 600 million potential clients with a need for a PKI Certificate. That is 600 million potential WISeKey PKI clients. Even if only 10% of these eventuate as WISeKey PKI users, the WISeKey client base is conservatively 60 million users by By 2005 we expect at least 100 million users.
WISeKey’s Role WISeKey -Is an ASP to Certification Authorites. -Provides trust recognition and interoperability to Certification Authorities -Enables independance of Certification Authorities under agreed policies to meet their own specific industry or jurisdiction requirements
WISeKey’s DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY Sign existing CA’s to use WISeKey’s global root for their certficates Sell turn-key CA solutions to organisations in cooperation with Stratgic Partners –Baltimore Technologies –Hewlett Packard etc. –Offer smaller organizations ability to provide certificate services and growth path through becoming a Registration Authority for an incubator CA
WISeKey PKI Global Growth Path WISeKey ITU – EC-DC Project Gold CAs. E-CommercePKI «Incubator CA » Silver RAs. Bronze RAs. E-CommercePKI Quo Vadis BlueX WISe-IoM WISe- Atlantica Etc. Growth Path
WISeKey-ITU TrustFund Established November 2000 Investment in kind to date by WISeKey of 4 million US$ Investment in kind to date by Expert Group members of 2.5 million US $ Receives US1 per certificate issued within the WISekey PKI Receives external contributions from donnors Will receive transaction revenues via a WISeKey financial clearing house Invests and donates the resources to LDC’s to establish Electronic Commerce projects
WISeWORLD2000 The Secure Electronic Commerce Partnership Conference GENEVA, Switzerland, November 27, 28, 29 ITU Building