History of Tree-Ring Research II January 16, 2009
Douglass, A.E The secret of the southwest solved by talkative tree rings. National Geographic Magazine 56(6):
Douglass in Storeroom Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research Tucson, Arizona 1940
Edmund Schulman (1908 – 1958)
Florence Hawley
Bruno Huber (1899 – 1969)
Harold C. Fritts (1928 – )
Malcolm K. Hughes
Edward R. Cook
David W. Stahle
Henri Grissino-Mayer
Subfields of Dendrochronology Dendroarchaeology: Dating of Archaeological dwellings. Dendroclimatology: Developing a record of past climate. Dendrogeomorphology: Dating land movements such as landslides in the past. Dendrohydrology: Creating a record of past water availability and flooding. Dendroglaciology: Dating past movements of glaciers. Dendrovolcanology: Dating the past eruptions of volcanoes. Dendrochemistry: Using tree rings as a monitor of the chemical makeup of the soil. Dendroecology: Recording ecological processes such as tree-line movement, insect outbreaks, or movement of invasive tree species. Dendropyrochronology: Dating the past occurrence of forest fires. Dendroentomology: The use of tree rings to reconstruct past population levels of insects. Dendromastecology: The use of tree rings to reconstruct fruiting events in trees.
Individual tree species that can live to more than 1,000 years, that we know of? Intermountain bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva D.K. Bailey), 4,844 years old Alerce (Fitzroya cuppressoides (Molina) Johnston), 3,620 years old Giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) Buchholz), 3,300 years old Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine (Pinus aristata Engelm.), 2,425 years old Coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens (D.Don) Endl.), 2,200 years old Foxtail pine (Pinus balfouriana Grev. & Balf.), 2,110 years old Rocky Mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulorum Sarg.), 1,889 years old Limber pine (Pinus flexilis James), 1,670 years old Alaska yellow-cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (D.Don) Spach), 1,636 Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich.), 1,622 years old Western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis Hook.), 1,288 years old Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), 1,275 years old Huon pine (Lagarostrobus franklinii C.J. Quinn), 1,089 years old Northern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.), 1,032 years old Himalayan Hemlock (Tsuga dumosa) 1,011 years old
International Tree Ring Data Bank (ITRDB)
ITRDB Web site ITRDB: International Tree-Ring Data Bank
The Ultimate Tree-Ring Web Pages: