By: Jacquelyn Malcolm and Natalie Gallagher Social Media Best Practices: More than Posting Financial Aid Deadlines and FAFSA Help Tips Presented to: Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
Presentation Topics Social Media Overview Social Media and Mission Guidelines Channels Conversations vs. Just Content Staffing Research and Resources
Social Media Overview Part of a greater school marketing strategy No longer optional Financial aid professionals role raising brand awareness More than just posting content Robust and meaningful conversations Must plan AND track/measure
Social Media & Mission Mission of school Mission of department Understanding why you are doing this Making a commitment to success of these channels
Social Media Guidelines Do not have one? Create one with Marketing Department Dealing with negative comments Removing derogatory posts Periodically update to reflect changes in social media Appropriate use of the brand Representing school as staff member vs. personal use Work social media accounts vs. personal accounts
Social Media Channels
Most Used Channels in Higher Ed
Conversations Not Just Content Use engaging graphics Provide useful links/resources Links to tools to assist with FAFSA (Federal Student Aid)FAFSA Latest developments in financial aid in snippets Post financial aid info sessions/chats as an “event” Review other financial aid resource’s social media channels for cross posting items Ask questions/feedback Responsiveness
Staffing Social Media Efforts Become an admin on school PR/Marketing efforts Benefits of departmental pages Designated person to oversee social media efforts every day Staff or student workers? Responsiveness/timeliness of responses Create a year long calendar for content planning Tools for scheduling content
Research and Resources Financial Aid FAFSA Content and Tips Case Studies Social Media Month - The Case for Higher Education Social Media Survey Social Media Infographic LinkedIn Groups Future of Social Media Higher Ed Social Media Social Media Today Social Media in Higher Education Recruitment, Retention, Alumni Relations Other Mid-Atlantic Higher Ed Social Media Network (Facebook) Meet-ups
Jacquelyn Malcolm, Executive Director of Interactive Media & Luminis Portal Administrator at the University of the District of Columbia Natalie Gallagher, Director of Digital Strategies Paragon Design