Maximizing the benefit of research information in Particle Physics *** A user-driven story Anne Gentil-Beccot, CERN. EuroCris. 11 May 2010
HEP and open access Advantages? INSPIRE Outlook
HEP and open access Advantages? INSPIRE Outlook
~15’000 High Energy Physics (HEP) scientists smash stuff at the speed of light to produce new stuff
~15’000 HEP theorists scratch their heads to make sense of all that stuff and then some more
The HEP “preprint culture” L.Goldschmidt-Clermont, 1965, Scientific journals of ‘60s too slow for HEP Mass-mail preprints to institutes worldwide Ante litteram (institute-pays) Open Access Leading libraries “serve” preprints CERN Library, circa 1960
SPIRES: first electronic catalogue SLAC Library,1974: now 750’000 records With Fermilab (US) and DESY (DE) Libraries Electronic catalogue of preprints metadata Updated with publication reference Terminal, interface, 1 st WWW in U.S. Date: Fri, 13 Dec 91 17:55:53 GMT+0100 From: (Tim Berners-Lee) Subject: WWW to SPIRES on SLACVM - Experimental To: There is an experimental W3 server for the SPIRES High energy Physics preprint database, thanks to Terry Hung, Paul Kunz and Louise Addis of SLAC. It's only just been put up, so don't expect perfection. With the w3 line mode browser, follow a link to it from our home page, - Tim Paul Kunz wrote a few days ago:- "The SLAC Library maintainer of SPIRES databases, Louise Addis, is absolutely delighted. She will ask for a permanent VM service machine and finish off the polishing. Things are really moving now.” the archetypal repository P. Ginsparg, LANL, Now Cornell Library No mandate, no debate, author-driven 1/2 Million preprints. Growing beyond HEP Post-prints often resubmitted
HEP and open access Advantages? INSPIRE Outlook
Advantages? - Visibility - Acceleration - Impact
Advantages? - Visibility - Acceleration - Impact
Ten years in the life of a HEP article SPIRES counts: citations to/from preprints/articles Citation peak before publications Scientific discourse proceeds on discipline repository
Advantages? - Visibility - Acceleration - Impact
Citation augmentation Discipline repository yields immense advantage –Five times more citations for articles in arXiv –20% of 2-year citations occur before publication
Advantages? - Visibility - Acceleration - Impact
Where do HEP scientists look for info? Survey of 2’000+ scientists (10% of community) OA tools answer scientists’ information needs Google as proxy of arXiv, SPIRES, publishers Gentil-Beccot et al. arxiv:
(As many scientists as analyzed here go straight to arXiv) arXiv 82% Publisher server 18% ∼ 30,000 clicks (choice between arXiv and journal) Do HEP scientists read journals ? Gentil-Beccot et al. arxiv:
What more do users want ? Gentil-Beccot et al. arxiv: Not important Very important Depth of coverage Quality of content Access to full text
New needs ? Gentil-Beccot et al. arxiv: Not important Very important Centralization Access data Conference slides Web 2.0
HEP and open access Advantages? INSPIRE Outlook
- Depth of coverage - High quality of metadata - High acceptance by the community - Stable and fast technology - Open Source (GPL) community - Based on open standards (MARCXML, OAI-PMH, etc) COAR OpenAIRE D4 Science II
INSPIRE Full-text search. Speed. Citations, co-citations AuthorID. Affiliations. Coauthors Extractions of references Integration of high level research data, tables and graphs Bi-directional feeds with arXiv and publishers User generated tags, folksonomy meet ontology …
Conclusions and Outlook HEP community has embraced Grey literature and repositories since decades Triggering infrastructures for metadata and communication Next HEP information system generation: INSPIRE –Single access point to all HEP literature and data –Integrated in the whole scientific world –Try it:
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