Divine Myths Myths of Creation: The Origins of Mortals
What about human beings? Why is our world the way it is? Why is our world the way it is? Where did we come from? Where did we come from? Why are we here? Why are we here? Why are we unique? Why are we unique? Why do we suffer? Why do we suffer?
Prometheus: Protector of Mortals Prometheus is the clever creator, inventor of many things Prometheus is the clever creator, inventor of many things Folktale character — the trickster Folktale character — the trickster Doublet brother is Epimetheus (afterlearner, dummy, or idiot) Doublet brother is Epimetheus (afterlearner, dummy, or idiot) Epimetheus means “hindsight” which fit because he never learned anything until he had suffered the consequences of his ignorance Prometheus (forethought, or forelearner) the son of Iapetus and Themis, the Titans Prometheus (forethought, or forelearner) the son of Iapetus and Themis, the Titans
Prometheus: Maker of Mortals Made man from earth and water, and because the earth contained divine seed, the human was a superior being Made man from earth and water, and because the earth contained divine seed, the human was a superior being anthropomorphic – to think, act and speak like humans autochthony – the spontaneous creation of people from the soil
Prometheus: Protector of Mortals At Meconê, Prometheus offered sacrifice bundles to Zeus and asked which Zeus preferred. At Meconê, Prometheus offered sacrifice bundles to Zeus and asked which Zeus preferred. Zeus chose the worse Zeus chose the worse Etiological to explain why Greeks ate the meat and offered the bones and fat Etiological to explain why Greeks ate the meat and offered the bones and fat Hesiod protects Zeus by offering an explanation how Zeus could be “deceived.” So Zeus could plan a horrible future for man Hesiod protects Zeus by offering an explanation how Zeus could be “deceived.” So Zeus could plan a horrible future for man
Prometheus: Protector of Mortals Outraged, Zeus removes fire from the trees Outraged, Zeus removes fire from the trees Prometheus sneaks some fire in a fennel stock to man Prometheus sneaks some fire in a fennel stock to man
Prometheus’ Punishment for stealing the fire back He suffered the wrath of Zeus. He was bound with chains to a rock. To add to his torment, an eagle or vulture swept down and devoured his liver. During the course of the night, the liver grew back. Vicious criminals were taken to the boundary of a territory, stripped, nailed and allowed to die as eaters of carrion consumed their flesh
Prometheus: Protector of Mortals A play in a trilogy about Prometheus, the other two of which are lost A play in a trilogy about Prometheus, the other two of which are lost –Aeschylus, The Prometheus Bound Zeus eventually learns to rule with justice Zeus eventually learns to rule with justice Note also that mankind was allowed to evolve by Prometheus : he taught them all the civilized arts Note also that mankind was allowed to evolve by Prometheus : he taught them all the civilized arts shelter, farming, seasons, math, letters, using animals for work, sailing, medicine, interpretations of dreams and sacrifice, mining for precious metals shelter, farming, seasons, math, letters, using animals for work, sailing, medicine, interpretations of dreams and sacrifice, mining for precious metals
Prometheus: Protector of Mortals “Before [me], they had eyes that blankly gazed, ears hearing empty sound. Shapes in a dream, they blundered through long years...” He gave us understanding, and thereby all the arts He gave us understanding, and thereby all the arts Greek view of human evolution Greek view of human evolution
Prometheus: Protector of Mortals Zeus allows Heracles (Greek spelling) to break the chains Zeus allows Heracles (Greek spelling) to break the chains Prometheus told him from which female deity the threat to his rule would come : “Son greater than the father.” Prometheus told him from which female deity the threat to his rule would come : “Son greater than the father.” It’s Thetis, whom he then marries off to a mortal, Peleus: the son will be Achilles It’s Thetis, whom he then marries off to a mortal, Peleus: the son will be Achilles
The Creation of Pandora 1. To avenge the theft, Zeus prepared an evil yet seductive gift 2. Until this time, there had been no mortal women; their female counterparts were nymphs and goddesses 3. To punish man for stealing fire, and perhaps to complete creation, Zeus decided to change things 4. Zeus ordered Hephaestus to mix earth and water and fashion a clay woman 5. She was a shy, modest maiden, modeled after the goddesses 6. Other immortals also contributed to the creation of her 7. Hermes named her Pandora which means “all gifts” or “Gift of all” because of all the gods had given her
8. Hermes after filling her with lies and thievish ways then brought Pandora down to Epimetheus, the brother of Prometheus 9.Before the arrival of Pandora, men had lived free of illness, suffering, etc. 10. Gods gave Pandora a vessel filled with things they had put in and she was forbidden to open it. 11. Pandora became curious about the vessel the gods had given her, so she opened the it to see what was inside 12. The “gifts” Pandora opened, such as woe, vice, etc., brought only grief and trouble to men 13. The only gift remaining was hope (some say it was left inside the vessel, while others believe it was let out) 14. Thus, the first woman, like Eve, became the mother of all wicked women
Pandora’s Descendants (Hesiod) Women are a useless stomach Women are a useless stomach Unproductive consumer of food and wealth Unproductive consumer of food and wealth Males produce, females consume Males produce, females consume Hesiod forgets womens’ tireless labor bearing and raising children, production of cloth and clothing, and the maintenance of the household. Hesiod forgets womens’ tireless labor bearing and raising children, production of cloth and clothing, and the maintenance of the household. But men must marry and find joy mixed with trouble. But men must marry and find joy mixed with trouble.
Misogyny Hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women. Hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women. All the texts contain hostile relations between the sexes, especially married couples perpetuating a dislike and mistrust of women that affects their status in the society. All the texts contain hostile relations between the sexes, especially married couples perpetuating a dislike and mistrust of women that affects their status in the society. Two reasons: male resentment of monogamy and literature was composed by males for males in an environment ruled by males. Two reasons: male resentment of monogamy and literature was composed by males for males in an environment ruled by males. Does this still happen today? Does this still happen today? What is the fix whether societal, political, or familial? What is the fix whether societal, political, or familial?