The 70’s were a horrible thing
GROW model mapped GROW MODEL FOR PROBLEM SOLVING G = Goal (Specific End Point) R = Reality (Where I'm at Now) O = Obstacles (What’s standing in the way of going to G) W = Way Forward (State the action plan from R to G)
CRITICAL THINKING WORK ETHIC SOCIAL RAPPORT COLLABORATION Internal External Zone of Control Social Rapport Emotional Projection Positive Attitude Enthusiasm Self Confidence Personal Chemistry Physical Projection Eye Contact Good Personal Appearance Appropriate Dress Reception & Interpretation Courtesy Small Talk Willingness to Learn Active Listening o Eye Contact o Gestures/Body Language/Body Position Differentiated Communication Skills With: o Public o Fellow Employees o Supervisors o Customers Critical Thinking Common Sense Time Management Problem Solving Skills o Observe Critically o Reflect & Evaluate o Flexibility o Adaptability o Make Decisions Work Ethic Presence Consistently On Time Trustworthiness Honesty/Integrity Make Deadlines Commitment To Quality Of Work & Company Goals Wanting To Do A Good Job Willingness To Be Accountable Ability To Make Production Quotas Staying On The Job Until It Is Finished Commit To The Position Reliability Perform Well Under Pressure Unsupervised Behavior Follow Rules Self-Directed Self-Supervising Awareness Of Role & Commitment To Growth Willingness To Take Instruction Commitment To Continued Training And Learning Boundaries & Skills Outside Of Work Ability To Handle Personal Problems Collaboration Teamwork Cooperation Dependability Ability To Accept Criticism Ability To Learn From Criticism Conflict Resolution Resolve Conflict & Negotiate Communication For Success Networking & Small Talk Speak So Others Can Understand Advocate & Influence Motivational Skills
Please rank the most important skills or knowledge areas that your company seeks when hiring new employees. (127 responses) OptionRankScore1 Social Skills (e.g. Coordination, Instruction, Negotiation, Persuasion, Service Orientation, Social Perceptiveness) 1530 Workplace Behavior and Values2503 Basic Skills and Knowledge (e.g. Math, Science, Reading, Writing, Speaking) 3423 Technical Skills and Knowledge (e.g. Equipment Selection, Installation, Operation and Control; Operation Monitoring; Programming; Quality Control Analysis, Technology Design, Troubleshooting) 4410 Complex Problem-Solving Skills5380 Systems Skills and Knowledge (e.g. Judgment and Decision Making, Systems Analysis, Systems Evaluation) 6376 Management or Leadership7278
From your perspective, please rank what you believe are the key skill gaps or educational needs among job seekers seeking employment in emerging or growing priority industry sectors. (295 responses) OptionRankScore Basic Skills and Knowledge (e.g. Math, Science, Reading, Writing, Speaking) Social Skills (e.g. Coordination, Instruction, Negotiation, Persuasion, Service Orientation, Social Perceptiveness) Technical Skills and Knowledge (e.g. Equipment Selection, Installation, Operation and Control; Operation Monitoring; Programming; Quality Control Analysis, Technology Design, Troubleshooting) Complex Problem-Solving Skills41045 Workplace Behavior and Values51013 Systems Skills and Knowledge (e.g. Judgment and Decision Making, Systems Analysis, Systems Evaluation) Management or Leadership7750
High Expectations: Transforming the American Workforce as the ADA Generation Comes of Age Increasing support for high school students as they plan for their transition into the workforce; Improving the transition of the ADA Generation as they enter postsecondary education and the labor market; Changing the assumptions in disability benefit programs that discourage young people with disabilities from working; and Leveraging employer demand, correcting misconceptions about employing people with disabilities, and establishing supportive workplaces.
GROW IMPLEMENTED GROW MODEL FOR PROBLEM SOLVING G = Goal (Showing up on time) R = Reality (Where I'm at Now) O = ObstaclesW = Way Forward 1Proper alarm settingNo alarm settingXXSet regular alarm 2Go to bed earlySometime go to bed lateCan't fall asleep; visitors Earphones/music, netflix; kick people out