Self & Peer Assessment: Getting Your Students into the Act!
ARE YOU... Discouraged by end-of-year scores? Down-trodden by horrible report card grades? Tired of working harder than your apathetic students? Pulling your hair out, knowing there must be a better way? Ready to try something that could change all of that?
Lessen your load! Let your students help you, help each other & most importantly, help themselves! It’s time for you and your students to become partners in the classroom! Motivate and build up your students, while they acquire the skills to assess their own learning before your eyes!
After all, aren’t they worth it? “Our students draw life-shaping conclusions about themselves as learners on the basis of the information we provide to them as a result of their teachers’ classroom assessments We must provide a means for low-achieving low-confidence students to “experience credible forms of academic success.” Then they gain confidence and a perpetual cycle of achievement and success is formed. (Chappius & Stiggins, 2005)
Self & Peer Assessments are the Keys to: your newfound sanity! your struggling students’ soaring confidence! a classroom full of motivated, hard working lifelong learners! rising end-of-year test data that will impress even the most seasoned veteran!
Learn these Vital Steps for Student-Involved Assessment: Setting clear learning targets Leading students in effective goal-setting Giving meaningful feedback to students that encourages self-monitoring and reflection Communicating with students as partners in their own learning
You’ll be able to help your students use: SMART guides to goal-setting Rubrics Scoring Guides Portfolios Peer Feedback Strategies Conferencing skills Self-Reflection Questioning ( Assessment for Learning, Curriculum Corporation, n.d.)
You’ll get to: see real-life examples of successful student involved assessment in action hear from trained teachers who use peer and self assessments in their classrooms daily collaborate with colleagues to set clear learning targets in your subject area practice proven self & peer assessment strategies before you put them to use build your own confidence, so you can train your students to be assessors themselves
So come on, what are you afraid of? “Student involvement in assessment doesn’t mean that students control decisions regarding what will or won’t be learned or tested. It doesn’t mean that they assign their own grades. Instead, student involvement means that students learn to use assessment information to manage their own learning.” (Noonan & Duncan, 2005)
Join our Self & Peer Assessment Workshop! A Research-Based Day of USEFUL & RELEVANT Professional Development 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Lunch provided from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Bring your doubts, curiosity, & love for learning! That’s all you’ll need!
References Assessment for Learning. (n.d.). Curriculum Corporation. Retrieved from asp?id=912 Chappius, J., & Stiggins, R. (2005). Using student- involved classroom assessment to close the achievement gaps. Theory into Practice, 44 (1), Noonan, B., & Duncan, C. R. (2005). Peer and self- assessment in high schools. Practical Assessment Research and Evaluation, 10(17), 1-8.