JOHN BAYLOR TEST PREP Jumping Your Score: the Best Paying Job a High School Student Could Ever Have!
THE ACT 75 Questions 45 Minutes 40 Questions 35 Minutes Test #1 ENGLISH 75 Questions 45 Minutes Test #2 READING 40 Questions 35 Minutes
THE ACT Test #5 WRITING 30 minutes
FINISH EACH TEST Narrow the answers down to TWO. Make a choice Don’t leave any unanswered questions.
ENGLISH (JBTP Strategy) Read first time through with ‘a’: in or out Reread, plugging in ‘b’” in or out Look at shortened version with ‘c’: in or out Look at shortened version with ‘d’: in or out GET IT DOWN TO TWO Armed with JBTP’s Grammar Rules, reread each and make a choice. QUICK-CHECK: reread, plugging in your choice
The JBTP Grammar Rules 1. Less is More Go with the shortest answer unless the shortest is horrible. Honor thy Commas Exaggerate the pause and the inflection change.
The JBTP Grammar Rules 3. A full sentence: has three components. A subject A verb A complete thought Subject – Verb agreement: subjects agree with their verbs in number (singular or plural). When there is a single word underlined it is probably a verb. Every verb has a subject. When hunting down the subject, slash the prep phrase.
The JBTP Grammar Rules 5. Each, none, neither, either, anybody, someone, everyone, everybody: are all singular. Apostrophes: Show possession. If one owner: ‘s If more than one owner: s’ Men’s, women’s, children’s, and people’s are always ‘s.
The JBTP Grammar Rules 7. Contractions ALWAYS say both words. Less formal…less urgent Who’s v Whose 8. Semi-colons, colons, and dashes ; = ,and : = example(s) to follow c. - = comma or colon
The JBTP Grammar Rules 9. The PRINCIPAL is your Pal; while your PRINCIPLES are your values. Effect is a noun. Affect is a verb. How to put two sentences into one sentence (two independent clauses). ; , and
The JBTP Grammar Rules 11. Irregular Verbs Today I present. Yesterday I past. For years I have perfect. 12. Prepositions
The JBTP Grammar Rules 13. Extra information has commas or dashes around it. Parallelism Stay with the trend within a sentence.
The JBTP Grammar Rules Pronouns Clear antecedent Agree in number and gender with its antecedent Get rid of names around the pronoun Thin of something identical that you do understand. e. Comparison with a pronoun at the end: add the verb in your head. f. The verb ‘to be’ g. Who v Whom -take it out and plug in ‘he.’ If it works go with ‘who.’
The JBTP Grammar Rules 16. Transition Words a. EXPECTATIONS… 17. A descriptive clause modifies only what immediately comes before or after.
The JBTP Grammar Rules 18. Voice cannot change within a sentence. Comparing multiple things. Two things use – er, more, or less Three or more use - est, most, or least
The JBTP Grammar Rules 20. Non-words 21. Idioms
The JBTP Grammar Rules 22. Subjunctive mood a. If a sentence has ‘if’, ‘suppose’, or ‘I wish’ go with ‘were’ as the verb. When truly torn between two answers, cross out all the gunk: Prep phrases Adjectives Adverbs Extra info.
The JBTP Grammar Rules 24. Conjunctions neither…nor Either…or Not only…but also *identical word order follows each conjunction.