Sent To The Sinners 1 Timothy 1:15
Jesus Came to Save the Sinner Those who are sick need to be healed Matthew 9:10-13Those who are sick need to be healed Matthew 9:10-13 Those who were captive to sin are now free Luke 4:16-21Those who were captive to sin are now free Luke 4:16-21 We can be healed even though we have sinned Isaiah 57:17-21We can be healed even though we have sinned Isaiah 57:17-21 All have sinned Romans 3:23All have sinned Romans 3:23
Path to Salvation Hebrews 10:1-31 In order to have salvation in Christ we must first realize that…In order to have salvation in Christ we must first realize that… If we were perfect we would not have needed Christ to offer himself, which we are not (vs. 1-2)If we were perfect we would not have needed Christ to offer himself, which we are not (vs. 1-2) Sacrifices were needed but the blood of bulls and goats was not enough (vs. 3-4)Sacrifices were needed but the blood of bulls and goats was not enough (vs. 3-4) In order to save us from our sins Christ offered himself, as the final sacrifice, on the cross as part of God’s eternal plan (vs. 5-18)In order to save us from our sins Christ offered himself, as the final sacrifice, on the cross as part of God’s eternal plan (vs. 5-18)
Path to Salvation Hebrews 10:1-31 In order to have salvation in Christ we must first realize that…In order to have salvation in Christ we must first realize that… There is now a new way to live in Christ rather than the one that we were living in times past (vs )There is now a new way to live in Christ rather than the one that we were living in times past (vs ) We must be earnest to gain an entrance into the eternal home that is prepared for us (vs )We must be earnest to gain an entrance into the eternal home that is prepared for us (vs ) If we fail to enter into the place of everlasting rest there is a place of punishment reserved for us and ”it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (vs )If we fail to enter into the place of everlasting rest there is a place of punishment reserved for us and ”it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (vs )
Conclusion Hell is a horrible place of pain and suffering that will endure for eternity. In hell there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, a fire that is never quenched, and where the worm never dies. You will wish you were elsewhere but it will be too late!Hell is a horrible place of pain and suffering that will endure for eternity. In hell there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, a fire that is never quenched, and where the worm never dies. You will wish you were elsewhere but it will be too late! Heaven is reserved for the righteous. It may be difficult to obtain as there will be few who find it compared to many who will find hell. However, in heaven there is no suffering, no night, no tears, no pain, no sorrow. There is eternal joy to be found in heaven.Heaven is reserved for the righteous. It may be difficult to obtain as there will be few who find it compared to many who will find hell. However, in heaven there is no suffering, no night, no tears, no pain, no sorrow. There is eternal joy to be found in heaven. Where Do You Want To Be?