Except You Repent Luke 13:1-5
The Order of Things First: Hearing (Romans 1:16; 10:17) Second: Believing (Hebrews 4:2; 11:6)
Repentance Hardest command? Requires total honesty with self
Need to repent Not because of a comparison test (Text) Because of sin (Matthew 3:11; Acts 2:38; 8:22)
Repentance Is Not … Just being sorry for sin Like criminals who got caught! Even godly sorrow only leads to repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10) “Mourner’s bench religion” not enough
Repentance Is Not … Just being convicted of sin Conviction precedes repentance (Acts 2:38) Rich young ruler (Matthew 19:22) “I needed that sermon”- not enough
Repentance Is … A change of will Preceded by conviction about sin (Matthew 21:28-32) Followed by turning from sin Fruits of repentance
Repentance Is … Difficult for some Love of sin (Hebrews 11:24) Hardness of heart (Exodus 7:13; Hebrews 3:15) Seared conscience (Ephesians 4:19; 1 Timothy 4:2)
Reformation of Life Men of Nineveh Heard (Jonah 3:1-10; Matthew 12:41) Turned from evil, put on sackcloth and ashes
Reformation of Life John’s day Tax gatherers (Luke 3:7-14) Soldiers wanted to repent
Reformation of Life Fruits of repentance Specific to the individual (Luke 3:8) Followed by baptism for nonchristians (Acts 2:38) Followed by confession of sin for Christians (1 John 1:7-9) Restitution may follow (Luke 19:8; Philemon 18)
God Wants Us To Repent What does He do? Allows time to repent (Revelation 2:5, 21) Longsuffering (2 Peter 3:9) Shows His goodness as motivation (Romans 2:1-11)
God Wants Us To Repent What happens if I don’t repent? Won’t be the same (Psalm 7:12-16) I will be lost (Luke 13:3, 5) Someone once said: “God promises forgiveness but not repentance”
Conclusion Do you need to repent? (Luke 24:47) The time is now (2 Corinthians 6:2)