Repentance A Hard Command
Repentance: A Hard Command What is a hard command in the Bible? Love your enemy (Mt. 5:44)? Flee fornication (1 Cor. 6:18)? Repent (Acts 17:30)?
Three Requirements to Learn Repentance is produced by godly sorrow (Mt. 26:75) Repentance is a change of mind (Isa. 55:6-7) Repentance is a reformation of life (1 Cor. 6:9-11)
Three Mistakes to Avoid Believing that repentance is simply saying “I’m sorry…” (Mt. 3:8; Acts 26:20) Believing that repentance is simply stopping something for a short period of time (Mk. 1:15; Acts 20:21; 26:20) Believing that repentance is simply admitting wrong and paying restitution (Mt. 27:3-5)
Three Reasons to Consider Repent to be saved from sin and hell (Mr. 1:4; Lk. 3:3; 13:3,5; 24:47; Acts 2:38; 5:31; 17:30-31; 2 Pet. 3:9) Repent to enjoy an abundant life now (Jn. 10:10; Acts 11:18) Repent to restore purpose and usefulness to my life (Lk. 15:7,10,11-32; Rev. 2:5)
Three Obstacles to Overcome Some do not repent because they are unaware they are sinners (Acts 3:17-19; 2 Tim. 2:25) Some do not repent because they are proud and stubborn (Mt. 11:20-21; 12:41; 21:29,32; Rom. 2:4-5; Heb. 6:6) Some do not repent because they love their sin too much (Rev. 2:21; 9:20-21; 16:9,11)
Three Examples to Follow The Pentecost crowd demonstrated a complete conviction of heart (Acts 2:37-38) The former Sorcerer (Simon) demonstrated a complete sorrow for sin (Acts 8:22-24) The Corinthians demonstrated a complete turn around from their sin (2 Cor. 7:9-11)
Repentance: A Hard Command To the unconverted … repent To the erring Christian … repent This hard command will bring wonderful blessings