Opening the Scriptures! Three Year Study thru the Bible Daily Reading - Bookmark available in the back This week: Revelation 1-3 Jesus expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself … And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures Luke 24:27,45
Revelation 1-3 Revelation of Jesus (v.1-2) Revelation that brings blessing (v.3) Greeting from the Trinity (v.4-5) Inscription to Jesus (v.5-8) Vision of Jesus (v.9-20) Revelation 1
Revelation 1-3 Revelation of Jesus (v.1-2) Revelation that brings blessing (v.3) Greeting from the Trinity (v.4-5) Inscription to Jesus (v.5-8) Vision of Jesus (v.9-20) Revelation 1 Revelation Letters to 7 Churches
Application of Jesus’ Seven Letters to Churches Literal or Historic – real churches then
7 Churches of Asia (Revelation) 7 Churches of Asia 1 Ephesus 2 Smyrna 3 Pergamos 4 Thyatira 5 Sardis 6 Philadelphia 7 Laodicea
Application of Jesus’ Seven Letters to Churches Literal or Historic – real churches then Continual – in every age, 7 types of churches Personal – Christians can walk in each type Prophetic – prophetic layout of church history
Ephesus 2:1-7 Smyrna 2:8-11 Pergamous 2:12-17 Thyatira 2:1829 Sardis 3:1-6 Philadelphia 2:7-12 Laodicea 3:14-22 Jesus Good Bad Charge Warning Promise Angel? I know your works He who overcomes
For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world— our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? 1John 5:4-5
Ephesus 2:1-7 Smyrna 2:8-11 Pergamous 2:12-17 Thyatira 2:1829 Sardis 3:1-6 Philadelphia 2:7-12 Laodicea 3:14-22 Jesus Good Bad Charge Warning Promise Angel? I know your works He who overcomes Ears to hear?
Ephesus 2:1-7 Smyrna 2:8-11 Pergamous 2:12-17 Thyatira 2:1829 Sardis 3:1-6 Philadelphia 2:7-12 Laodicea 3:14-22 Jesus Good Bad Charge Warning Promise
Ephesus 2:1-7 Smyrna 2:8-11 Pergamous 2:12-17 Thyatira 2:1829 Sardis 3:1-6 Philadelphia 2:7-12 Laodicea 3:14-22 Jesus Good Bad Charge Warning Promise Ephesus 2:1-7 Jesus Good Bad Charge Warning Promise Loveless Jesus Holds in hand, walks in midstJesus Holds in hand, walks in midst Involved personally Labor, patient, purityLabor, patient, purity Active, zealous…for His Name’s sake Left First loveLeft First love Jesus is to be first love – walked from Remember, Repent, Do first worksRemember, Repent, Do first works Keep main thing, the main thing Remove lampstandRemove lampstand Remove impact… Jesus from midst Eat of tree in paradiseEat of tree in paradise Walking w/God, fellowship with Him
Application of Jesus’ Seven Letters to Churches Literal or Historic – real churches then Continual – in every age, 7 types of churches Personal – Christians can walk in each type Prophetic – prophetic layout of church history Ephesus33–100 AD Apostolic Church
Ephesus 2:1-7 Loveless Smyrna 2:8-11 Pergamous 2:12-17 Thyatira 2:1829 Sardis 3:1-6 Philadelphia 2:7-12 Laodicea 3:14-22 Jesus Holds, walks Involved personally Good Labor, patient, purity Active, zeal Bad Left 1 st love Jesus is to be 1 st love Charge Rem., repent, do 1 st works Main thing… Warning Remove lampstand Impact, Jesus Promise Eat of tree in paradise Walking w/God
Ephesus 2:1-7 Smyrna 2:8-11 Pergamous 2:12-17 Thyatira 2:1829 Sardis 3:1-6 Philadelphia 2:7-12 Laodicea 3:14-22 Jesus Good Bad Charge Warning Promise Smyrna 2:8-11 Jesus Good Bad Charge Warning Promise Persecuted First & Last, Dead & came to lifeFirst & Last, Dead & came to life Sovereign, Understands Pain, Hope Tribulation, Poverty (yet really rich), false churchTribulation, Poverty (yet really rich), false church See from eternal vantage pointNothing Persecution purifies a church Do not fear, more coming, limitedDo not fear, more coming, limited Seeing Him as first and last – sovereign over Be faithful and I will give you the crown of lifeBe faithful and I will give you the crown of life Encouragement to look past trials Not hurt by the second deathNot hurt by the second death Look ahead – real life, real death is eternal
Application of Jesus’ Seven Letters to Churches Literal or Historic – real churches then Continual – in every age, 7 types of churches Personal – Christians can walk in each type Prophetic – prophetic layout of church history Ephesus33–100 AD Apostolic Church Smyrna 100 –314 AD Persecuted Church
Ephesus 2:1-7 Loveless Smyrna 2:8-11 Persecuted Pergamous 2:12-17 Thyatira 2:1829 Sardis 3:1-6 Philadelphia 2:7-12 Laodicea 3:14-22 Jesus Holds, walks Involved personally First & last, dead & alive Sovereign, understands Good Labor, patient, purity Active, zeal Tribulation, poor but rich See eternal Bad Left 1 st love Jesus is to be 1 st loveNothing Persecution is good Charge Rem., repent, do 1 st works Main thing… Don’t fear, more coming Warning Remove lampstand Impact, Jesus Be faithful, crown of life Look past trials Promise Eat of tree in paradise Walking w/God Not hurt by second death Real life & real suffering
Ephesus 2:1-7 Smyrna 2:8-11 Pergamous 2:12-17 Thyatira 2:1829 Sardis 3:1-6 Philadelphia 2:7-12 Laodicea 3:14-22 Jesus Good Bad Charge Warning Promise Pergamous 2:12-17 Jesus Good Bad Charge Warning Promise Compromising ChurchCompromising Church Sharp two edged SwordSharp two edged Sword Able to divide…between good and bad Where dwell, hold fast to Name, MartyrsWhere dwell, hold fast to Name, Martyrs Sees the challenge, commends not denying Doctrine of Balam, NicolatiansDoctrine of Balam, Nicolatians Compromise, Money, Power – worldlyRepent Radical 180 change I will fight with sword of mouthI will fight with sword of mouth Word will bring about cleavage Hidden Manna, White Stone, New NameHidden Manna, White Stone, New Name Chosen, Forgiven, Changed
Application of Jesus’ Seven Letters to Churches Literal or Historic – real churches then Continual – in every age, 7 types of churches Personal – Christians can walk in each type Prophetic – prophetic layout of church history Ephesus33–100 AD Apostolic Church Smyrna 100 –314 AD Persecuted Church Pergamos 314– 590 AD Compromising Church
Ephesus 2:1-7 Loveless Smyrna 2:8-11 Persecuted Pergamous 2:12-17 Compromise Thyatira 2:1829 Sardis 3:1-6 Philadelphia 2:7-12 Laodicea 3:14-22 Jesus Holds, walks Involved personally First & last, dead & alive Sovereign, understands Sharp Sword Able to divide Good Labor, patient, purity Active, zeal Tribulation, poor but rich See eternal Where dwell holding fast Tough, not denying Bad Left 1 st love Jesus is to be 1 st loveNothing Persecution is good Balaam, Nicolaitians Compromise, worldly Charge Rem., repent, do 1 st works Main thing… Don’t fear, more coming Repent Must change radically Warning Remove lampstand Impact, Jesus Be faithful, crown of life Look past trials Fight with sword Word cleaves Promise Eat of tree in paradise Walking w/God Not hurt by second death Real life & real suffering Manna, White stone, name Chosen, pure, changed
Ephesus 2:1-7 Smyrna 2:8-11 Pergamous 2:12-17 Thyatira 2:1829 Sardis 3:1-6 Philadelphia 2:7-12 Laodicea 3:14-22 Jesus Good Bad Charge Warning Promise Thyatira 2:18-29 Jesus Good Bad Charge Warning Promise Corrupt ChurchCorrupt Church Son of God, Eyes fire, Feet BrassSon of God, Eyes fire, Feet Brass About Him, Piercing eyes, judges Love, service, faith, patience - lotsLove, service, faith, patience - lots Can’t deny the amount of work they do Jezebel – immorality, idolatry, depths of satanJezebel – immorality, idolatry, depths of satan False teaching…leading to false living Repent, to remnant no other burden by hold fastRepent, to remnant no other burden by hold fast Radically turn from…don’t go into Sickbed, Great Tribulation, deathSickbed, Great Tribulation, death Weak, Judged…death – all will see Power, morning starPower, morning star Ruling, reigning with Him…hope fulfilled
Application of Jesus’ Seven Letters to Churches Literal or Historic – real churches then Continual – in every age, 7 types of churches Personal – Christians can walk in each type Prophetic – prophetic layout of church history Ephesus33–100 AD Apostolic Church Smyrna 100 –314 AD Persecuted Church Pergamos 314– 590 AD Compromising Church Thyatira 590 – 1000 AD Corrupt Church
Ephesus 2:1-7 Loveless Smyrna 2:8-11 Persecuted Pergamous 2:12-17 Compromise Thyatira 2:1829 Corrupt Sardis 3:1-6 Philadelphia 2:7-12 Laodicea 3:14-22 Jesus Holds, walks Involved personally First & last, dead & alive Sovereign, understands Sharp Sword Able to divide Son, Eyes fire feet brass About Him, judging Good Labor, patient, purity Active, zeal Tribulation, poor but rich See eternal Where dwell holding fast Tough, not denying Love, service faith..lots Love, service, faith..lots Diligent group Bad Left 1 st love Jesus is to be 1 st loveNothing Persecution is good Balaam, Nicolaitians Compromise, worldly Jezebel immorality, idolatry Jezebel – immorality, idolatry Charge Rem., repent, do 1 st works Main thing… Don’t fear, more coming Repent Must change radicallyRepent Hold fast Two prescriptions Warning Remove lampstand Impact, Jesus Be faithful, crown of life Look past trials Fight with sword Word cleaves Sick, Trib. Death Promise Eat of tree in paradise Walking w/God Not hurt by second death Real life & real suffering Manna, White stone, name Chosen, pure, changed Rule, reign hope
Ephesus 2:1-7 Smyrna 2:8-11 Pergamous 2:12-17 Thyatira 2:1829 Sardis 3:1-6 Philadelphia 2:7-12 Laodicea 3:14-22 Jesus Good Bad Charge Warning Promise Sardis 3:1-5 Jesus Good Bad Charge Warning Promise Dead ChurchDead Church Has Seven Spirits, StarsHas Seven Spirits, Stars Spiritual life and power in HimNothing Name alive…but are dead, dying, imperfectName alive…but are dead, dying, imperfect Church in name only…real stuff not present Remember how received, hold fast, repentRemember how received, hold fast, repent Grace, abide, turn Come as thief, yet few who are real, whiteCome as thief, yet few who are real, white Miss rapture…unsaved White garments, name not blotted, confessWhite garments, name not blotted, confess Forgiven, Heaven bound, accepted
Application of Jesus’ Seven Letters to Churches Literal or Historic – real churches then Continual – in every age, 7 types of churches Personal – Christians can walk in each type Prophetic – prophetic layout of church history Ephesus33–100 AD Apostolic Church Smyrna 100 –314 AD Persecuted Church Pergamos 314– 590 AD Compromising Church Thyatira 590 – 1000 AD Corrupt Church Sardis 1000 –1500 ADDead Church
Ephesus 2:1-7 Loveless Smyrna 2:8-11 Persecuted Pergamous 2:12-17 Compromise Thyatira 2:1829 Corrupt Sardis 3:1-6 Dead Philadelphia 2:7-12 Laodicea 3:14-22 Jesus Holds, walks Involved personally First & last, dead & alive Sovereign, understands Sharp Sword Able to divide Son, Eyes fire feet brass About Him, judging Has seven spirits, stars Real life in Him Good Labor, patient, purity Active, zeal Tribulation, poor but rich See eternal Where dwell holding fast Tough, not denying Love, service faith..lots Love, service, faith..lots Diligent groupNothing Bad Left 1 st love Jesus is to be 1 st loveNothing Persecution is good Balaam, Nicolaitians Compromise, worldly Jezebel immorality, idolatry Jezebel – immorality, idolatry Dead, dying, imperfect Church in name only Charge Rem., repent, do 1 st works Main thing… Don’t fear, more coming Repent Must change radicallyRepent Hold fast Two prescriptions Rem, hold fast, repent Grace, abide, change Warning Remove lampstand Impact, Jesus Be faithful, crown of life Look past trials Fight with sword Word cleaves Sick, Trib. Death Comes as thief Promise Eat of tree in paradise Walking w/God Not hurt by second death Real life & real suffering Manna, White stone, name Chosen, pure, changed Rule, reign hope White, name in book, confess
Ephesus 2:1-7 Smyrna 2:8-11 Pergamous 2:12-17 Thyatira 2:1829 Sardis 3:1-6 Philadelphia 2:7-12 Laodicea 3:14-22 Jesus Good Bad Charge Warning Promise Philadelphia 3:6-13 Jesus Good Bad Charge Warning Promise Faithful ChurchFaithful Church Holy, True, has KeyHoly, True, has Key Perfect, Real, gives opportunity Little strength, kept Word, not denied NameLittle strength, kept Word, not denied Name Humble, Bible believing, Jesus exaltingNothing Unless Little strength is small rebuke, revival! False will see, kept command, keep from TribFalse will see, kept command, keep from Trib Realness disclosed…will be raptured Hold fast so don’t loose crownHold fast so don’t loose crown Don’t be robbed of spiritual treasures Pillar in heaven, secure…Names of God onPillar in heaven, secure…Names of God on Honor…secure forever
Application of Jesus’ Seven Letters to Churches Literal or Historic – real churches then Continual – in every age, 7 types of churches Personal – Christians can walk in each type Prophetic – prophetic layout of church history Ephesus33–100 AD Apostolic Church Smyrna 100 –314 AD Persecuted Church Pergamos 314– 590 AD Compromising Church Thyatira 590 – 1000 AD Corrupt Church Sardis 1000 –1500 ADDead Church Philadelphia 1500–1900AD Reformed/Revived Church
Ephesus 2:1-7 Loveless Smyrna 2:8-11 Persecuted Pergamous 2:12-17 Compromise Thyatira 2:1829 Corrupt Sardis 3:1-6 Dead Philadelphia 2:7-12 Faithful Laodicea 3:14-22 Jesus Holds, walks Involved personally First & last, dead & alive Sovereign, understands Sharp Sword Able to divide Son, Eyes fire feet brass About Him, judging Has seven spirits, stars Real life in Him Holy, True, has Key Pure, Real, Authoirty Good Labor, patient, purity Active, zeal Tribulation, poor but rich See eternal Where dwell holding fast Tough, not denying Love, service faith..lots Love, service, faith..lots Diligent groupNothing Little strength, Word, Name Biblically, About Jesus Bad Left 1 st love Jesus is to be 1 st loveNothing Persecution is good Balaam, Nicolaitians Compromise, worldly Jezebel immorality, idolatry Jezebel – immorality, idolatry Dead, dying, imperfect Church in name onlyNothing Revival is powerful Charge Rem., repent, do 1 st works Main thing… Don’t fear, more coming Repent Must change radicallyRepent Hold fast Two prescriptions Rem, hold fast, repent Grace, abide, change False see, from Trib Warning Remove lampstand Impact, Jesus Be faithful, crown of life Look past trials Fight with sword Word cleaves Sick, Trib. Death Comes as thief Hold fast, keep crown Don’t be robbed Promise Eat of tree in paradise Walking w/God Not hurt by second death Real life & real suffering Manna, White stone, name Chosen, pure, changed Rule, reign hope White, name in book, confess Pillar, names of God
Ephesus 2:1-7 Smyrna 2:8-11 Pergamous 2:12-17 Thyatira 2:1829 Sardis 3:1-6 Philadelphia 2:7-12 Laodicea 3:14-22 Jesus Good Bad Charge Warning Promise Laodiceans 3:14-22 Jesus Good Bad Charge Warning Promise Lukewarm ChurchLukewarm Church Amen, Faithful, True, BeginningAmen, Faithful, True, Beginning What He tells us is right…accurateNothing Lukewarm, Deceived, Wretched, Miserable…Lukewarm, Deceived, Wretched, Miserable… Turn God’s stomach – danger of self decption Buy Gold, white, eye salve, relationshipBuy Gold, white, eye salve, relationship Eternal treasures….knowing Jesus He Loves – rebukes & chastens, be zealousHe Loves – rebukes & chastens, be zealous Hear His tone…be zealous and repent Sit with HimSit with Him Relationship, with Him
Application of Jesus’ Seven Letters to Churches Literal or Historic – real churches then Continual – in every age, 7 types of churches Personal – Christians can walk in each type Prophetic – prophetic layout of church history Ephesus33–100 AD Apostolic Church Smyrna 100 –314 AD Persecuted Church Pergamos 314– 590 AD Compromising Church Thyatira 590 – 1000 AD Corrupt Church Sardis 1000 –1500 ADDead Church Philadelphia 1500–1900AD Reformed/Revived Church Laodicea 1900–Present Lukewarm Church
Ephesus 2:1-7 Loveless Smyrna 2:8-11 Persecuted Pergamous 2:12-17 Compromise Thyatira 2:1829 Corrupt Sardis 3:1-6 Dead Philadelphia 2:7-12 Faithful Laodicea 3:14-22 Lukewarm Jesus Holds, walks Involved personally First & last, dead & alive Sovereign, understands Sharp Sword Able to divide Son, Eyes fire feet brass About Him, judging Has seven spirits, stars Real life in Him Holy, True, has Key Pure, Real, Authoirty Amen, Faithfu true, beginn His report is accurate Good Labor, patient, purity Active, zeal Tribulation, poor but rich See eternal Where dwell holding fast Tough, not denying Love, service faith..lots Love, service, faith..lots Diligent groupNothing Little strength, Word, Name Biblically, About JesusNothing Bad Left 1 st love Jesus is to be 1 st loveNothing Persecution is good Balaam, Nicolaitians Compromise, worldly Jezebel immorality, idolatry Jezebel – immorality, idolatry Dead, dying, imperfect Church in name onlyNothing Revival is powerful Lukewarm, deceived Charge Rem., repent, do 1 st works Main thing… Don’t fear, more coming Repent Must change radicallyRepent Hold fast Two prescriptions Rem, hold fast, repent Grace, abide, change False see, from Trib Goldwhite salveHim Gold, white, salve, Him Seek eternal, seek Him Warning Remove lampstand Impact, Jesus Be faithful, crown of life Look past trials Fight with sword Word cleaves Sick, Trib. Death Comes as thief Hold fast, keep crown Don’t be robbed Lovesrebuke chasten Loves, rebuke chasten Discipline is love Promise Eat of tree in paradise Walking w/God Not hurt by second death Real life & real suffering Manna, White stone, name Chosen, pure, changed Rule, reign hope White, name in book, confess Pillar, names of God Sit with Him Relationship