Spiritual Warfare Working in Deliverance Ministry
Curses Curses can be an entry point for demonic activity. Proverbs 26:2 Indications of a curse -mental, emotional, physical breakdowns Family splits Continuous poverty Barrenness and miscarriages Constant deaths
Entry points of a curse Relational authority (“you are dumb”, “you are useless”) Self imposed curses (“I will never be any good”) Unscriptural covenants – unequally yoked with unbelievers 2 Corinthians 6:14 Curse by servants of Satan( Black magic, witch doctors, shamans) Curse by disobedience False Gods- Ex 20:3-4, Deut 27:15 Disrespect for parents- Deut 27:16
Entry point of curse Injustice to the weak- Deut 27: Illicit sex( sex outside marriage, incest, unscriptural sexual relationships) Deut 27:20-23 Perjury – Deut 27:25 Stealing- Zech 5:1-4 Stinginess toward God- Malachi 3:9 Perverting the gospel- Galatians 1:8-9 Depending on the flesh- Jeremiah 17:5 Antisemitism- Genesis 12;3, Genesis 28: 3,14
Working in Deliverance Humble ourselves- in order to receive anything from the Lord you must humble yourself. Humility in the spirit brings about a reliance on God and not on the flesh. Humility is also necessary in order to freely come before the throne of God. Satan fell because he was found to have pride in his heart. Pride always come before the fall. 1 Peter 5:6, 2 Chron 12:12, 2 Chron 32:26, 2 Chron 33: 21-25, Psalm 35, Luke 18:14, James 4: 6-7
Working in Deliverance Honesty- we must be honest with God, ourselves, spouse, family, friends. Without honesty there is no true repentance. We must be honest about our weaknesses, our failures, frustrations. Honesty brings transparency because there is nothing to hide from God or man. If we are honest with God He can continue to work with us even when we have sinned.
Working in Deliverance Confession- we must confess our sins Confession bring release and deliverance James 5:16- confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. True confession is remorseful Confession acknowledges guilt Confession recognizes the sin was against God Confession does not blame others but acknowledges the short comings and weaknesses of your flesh, lust or desires.
Working in Deliverance We need to repent- Repentance means not doing the same thing over and over again. Don't repent until you are truly committed to not doing it again. Repentance means taking full responsibility for your sin. If we are still blaming others for our sin than true repentance has not happened. Repentance always requires a change in either lifestyle, attitude, spirit, thinking, environment.
Working in Deliverance Forgiveness- we must forgive others Unforgiveness is one of the biggest poisons that hinder our deliverance - Mark 11:26, Eph 6:3 Unforgiveness brings you to the place of torment- Matthew 18:34 Unforgiveness prevents God from forgiving us-Matthew 6:15 Unforgiveness can block god from answering our prayer-Mark 11: Unforgiveness can affect us mentally and physically Forgiveness brings healing to you and others Matthew 22: Great commandment Unforgiveness can give Satan an advantage- 2 Cor 2:10-11 Unforgiveness can keep you out of heaven- Matt 7:12,21, 1 John 3:14
Working in deliverance The name of the Lord- Romans 10:13
Working in Deliverance The ministry vessel- Greater is in you! 1 john 4:4 Christ has authority in heaven and in earth, and we are charged to make disciples which means bring people to the understand of who God. Matthew 28: We have power thru the Holy Spirit- Acts 1:8
Working in Deliverance Make sure you are right with God- All your sin needs to be confessed and put under the blood of Jesus. Any hidden sin will give the enemy a place to hide in you. Make sure you are filled with the Holy Ghost- ask for a fresh filling and be sure those working with you have done the same. Get in the presence of God. Put on the whole Armour of God – Eph 6:10-18 Always pray and speak the word of God during deliverance especially those surrounding his promises and healing. I cor. 12:19, Mark 16:18, James 5:14, Mark 11:24, Matt 18:19-20, Mark 11:24, Luke 22:14-20, John 14:13, Job 42:10, Mark 4:40. Command the spirit to leave- Rejoice in the deliverance- deliverance must be maintained by having a relationship with God, it is imperative that people that are delivered find a place of worship and have a relationship with God.