Seven Possible Roots to Sin Energy Seven Healing Prayers. 1. Generational sins and curses Breaking generational sins and curses 2. Ungodly soul tiesSevering ungodly soul ties 3. Unbiblical beliefs or expectations Replacing unbiblical beliefs or expectations 4. Inner Vows, making promises to myself Renouncing inner vows as ME doing in my strength 7 Prayers That Heal the Heart Inner experiences – not academic exercises
Seven Possible Roots to Sin Energy Seven Healing Prayers. 5. Traumatic picturesReceiving divine visions 6. Word cursesBreaking word curses 7. Demonic oppressionCasting out demons 7 Prayers That Heal the Heart Inner Experiences – Not Academic Exercises You Are Dismantling Demons’ Homes © Mark and Patti Virkler
1 Cor. 13:13 – The Abiding Realities Unhealed Heart – Is Any Opposite … Radiating FaithFear, doubt, unbelief Radiating HopeHopelessness, despair Radiating LoveAnger, hatred, murder A Healed Heart Defined If there is any area of your life you can look at and not feel faith, hope and love, you have a heart wound (family, health, finance, government, etc.) © Mark and Patti Virkler
The Language of the Heart Is… Biblical Confirmation 1. Flowing ThoughtsJn. 7:38,39 “Flow” Heb. 12:1,2 “Right focus” 2. Flowing PicturesJn. 5:19,20 “Jesus sees” Acts 2:17 “We see also” Flowing EmotionsGen. 6.6 “God’s emotions” Gal. 5:22 “Given to us” 3. Pondering or Meditating Ps. 77:6 “David meditates” Josh. 1:8 “We meditate” Must Use the Language of the Heart © Mark and Patti Virkler
A Heart Wound Defined “Heart” is defined as underlying attitudes, motivations and character traits. So a heart wound is an attitude, motivation or character trait that is contrary to Scripture (faith, hope, love) A heart wound is NOT an action, although actions result from heart wounds. Don’t list an action as a heart wound. © Mark and Patti Virkler
Most Common Heart Wounds Fear, doubt, unbelief Anger, hatred, rage, bitterness Rejection, abandonment, loneliness Depression, hopelessness, despair Grief, loss, sorrow, pain Shame, guilt, condemnation Sensuality, lust, pornography, perversion Financial lack, poverty, failure © Mark and Patti Virkler
Two Sources of Spiritual Energy Scriptural Confirmation 1. Holy Spirit energizes us as we worship God inhabits the praises of His people (Ps. 22:3) 2. Demons energize us negatively “Energes” = active energy (Eph. 2:2) 3. Must replace all negative energy with Holy Spirit energy By casting out demons and filling the area with the Holy Spirit Spiritual Energy Energizes Us Inner experience – not academic exercises © Mark and Patti Virkler
Fill Yourself with God’s Light! Don’t Allow Darkness Back! Fill yourself with God’s Truth and Light by: 1.Doing a concordance meditation. 2.Memorizing and speaking Scripture. 3.Repenting immediately if you fail. 4.Picturing what God shows you. 5.Filling all 5 senses of heart with God (hear, see, ponder, speak, act). © Mark and Patti Virkler
Biblical Mediation Defined 1.Asking God to show you the real questions. 2.Asking God to show you the real answers. 3.Praying over Scriptures (Eph. 1:17,18). 4.Receiving Spiritual illumination. 5.Writing out Scriptures and the revelation God gives you (Deut. 17:18). 6.Speaking it, seeing it, feeling it, acting on it. 7.Worshipping God for what He has done! © Mark and Patti Virkler
Generational Sins/Curses Sin energy which is passed down from previous generations (Ex. 20:4-6) Both spiritual blessings and spiritual curses can be passed through the family line. We cherish and build on the blessings, and we break the generational curses. © Mark and Patti Virkler
The Steps Specifics 1. All healing begins with repentance/ forgiveness Forgive your parents Picture yourself as a baby in your mother’s womb 2. See cross between you and ancestors Command curses to halt at the cross of Calvary 3. Speak the blessings of Calvary upon child See light, power, energy, flowing upon baby Prayer to Break Generational Sins Inner experiences – not academic exercises © Mark and Patti Virkler
A “Soul Tie” Defined “Two hearts knitted together (1 Sam. 18:1), passing energy between them.” (pictured perhaps as a string, a wire or a cable, depending on its strength. Examples include bosom buddies, soul mates, connections through covenants (marriage, work, church), union through sexual intercourse, and perhaps even fantasizing. © Mark and Patti Virkler
The Steps Specifics 1. Forgive and release and bless the person Picture them and speak directly to them 2. Take sword of the Spirit in your hand Cut the wire between you and them. Swing your arm! 3. Pray for Jesus to circumcise your heart See Him cut out bad and put in new. Speak to heart. Prayer to Sever Ungodly Soul Ties Inner experiences – not academic exercises © Mark and Patti Virkler
“Ungodly Beliefs” Defined “Any belief that contradicts Scripture” Examples include: I’ll probably fail… people will reject me… I don’t deserve God’s blessing… I will not have financial freedom… people won’t accept me… my children will rebel… my sin is unforgivable…I’ll be defeated by the enemy. © Mark and Patti Virkler
I Believe… So I take this action … 1. What do I believe that produces pain? What have I promised to do to avoid the pain? 2. What does God believe on this topic? I purpose to say “yes” to what God is speaking. 3. We repent for both actions in line one. We affirm in prayer both experiences in line two Unbiblical Beliefs Must Be Replaced Inner experiences – not academic exercises © Mark and Patti Virkler
Inner Healing Defined “Allowing God to replace the pictures in the art gallery of your mind, removing pictures that do not have Jesus in them and replacing them with pictures that do have Jesus in them.” We are transformed “while we look” (2 Cor. 3:18; 4:17,18). Seeing what Jesus did and hearing Him, HEALS!!! Reflect © Mark and Patti Virkler
The Facts The Ramifications 1. Jesus, as Immanuel was present when the hurt happened. If I go to Sheol, You are there (Ps. 139: 7,8). 2. You have not yet seen Him there. Therefore, you are currently picturing a lie. 3. You need to see Him, and Hear His Truth to remove the lies. Pictures are worth 1000 words. See truth! Hear truth! Speak truth! Why Inner Healing Works! Inner experiences – not academic exercises © Mark and Patti Virkler
THE STEP TAKEN A BIBLICAL EXAMPLE (Peter: Matt. 26:69-75; Jn 21:2-17) 1. Using vision, go back and re-enter the hurt. Charcoal fire Early Morning Three-fold confession 2. Using vision, bring Jesus into the scene. “Jesus stood on the beach…” Jn. 21: Using vision, let Jesus move freely, healing the hurt with His loving presence Jesus’ statements of affirming love: “Tend My lambs”, “Shepherd My sheep”, “Tend My sheep” THE INNER HEALING PROCESS © Mark and Patti Virkler
Steps Specific Actions 1. Forgive and release and bless the person. Picture them and speak directly to them. 2. I repent for accepting this ungodly belief. And I believe instead what God has said which is … 3. I break off all spiritual forces in Jesus’ name I embrace God’s blessing which is… Prayer to Break Word Curses Inner experiences – not academic exercises © Mark and Patti Virkler
How we get the demons’ names… I take this action … I take this action … 1. What demon hides in each ungodly belief? List possible names. 2. What negatives do I battle with (emotions)? List these emotions, as demons are likely attached to them, energizing them. 3. Organize demons into groups of 2 – 4. Cast out demons group by group. (Do weakest first.) Getting The Names of the Demons © Mark and Patti Virkler
Steps to Deliverance So I take this action … 1. I repent of sin and of embracing demons. I hate this sin and demon and reject them in Jesus’ name. 2. I affirm what I will do! Keep darkness out by filling with light. From now on I will do the opposite… state what it is! Begin doing it! 3. A disciple commands the demon to leave. Stop speaking and set heart against demon. The Actual Deliverance Process Inner experiences – not academic exercises © Mark and Patti Virkler
The Situation… The Solution… 1. Demon moves to throat, but not out Repeat the three steps to the “actual deliverance process”. 2. Client feels the demon leave. Prayerfully thank God and ask for Holy Spirit to fill… 3. Client feels nothingAccept deliverance by faith, or demon is hiding, so remove more anchors. Deliverance - Problems and Solutions Inner experiences – not academic exercises © Mark and Patti Virkler
How to Have Mountain-Moving Faith by filling all five senses of your heart with God! © Mark Virkler
How to Have Mountain-Moving Faith by filling all five senses of your heart with God! © Mark Virkler
“Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith.” Heb. 12:2 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Rev. 22:13
Personal Application Mountain-Moving Faith 1.What are the dreams God has given you? 2.Have you given up on your dreams? 3.Do you ponder them in your heart? 4.Are you speaking them forth as God is asking you to? 5.Are you listening and obedient to each word the Lord is speaking to you, thus freeing the way for its fulfillment? 6.Are you resting from your works and simply doing God’s works? © Mark and Patti Virkler