Seals 7 th Seal Trumpet Judgments 3 rd Woe-7 th Trumpet Vial Judgments 1 st White Horse Conquering Leader 1/3 of trees burned up; grass destroyed Sores on Beast Worshipers 2 nd Fiery Red Horse Peace removed from earth 1/3 of see blood; 1/3 of sea creatures died Entire ocean becomes blood 3 rd Black Horse Famine 1/3 of fresh waters become bitter All fresh water becomes blood 4 th Pale Horse ¼ of population DEAD 1/3 of sun, moon and stars struck Sun burns men 5 th Cry of the martyrs1 st Woe-Demonic Creatures- Locusts Darkness upon the Beast’s kingdom, sores give pain 6 th Earthquake, sun darkened, moon like blood 2 nd Woe-great army-1/3 of population die Euphrates dried to prepare for the Kings of the east 7 th Silence in HeavenKingdom Proclaimed and heavenly temple opened Earthquake, hail, Babylon is ready for destruction