All About the Saints
St Bernadette Poor girl who saw Blessed Mother in a grotto on Lourdes France. Later became a nun. Body in incorrupt
St. Sebastian Roman solder and guard to the Emperor Shot with arrows when it was found out he was a Christian - but survived Recovered preached about Jesus until he was arrested and put to death again Patron of athletes
Catherine of Siena Worked hard for peace Great writer Doctor of the Church Cut off her beautiful hair to show that appearance aren’t everything Patron of Italy
Anthony of Padua Franciscan monk and Doctor of the Church Finder of lost things Great preacher Canonized 1 year after his death
St. Padre Pio First priest to get the Stigmata (wounds of Christ) Heard confession for 12 hours a day – knew just what to say Had gift of bilocation – could be in 2 places at once 100,000 people came to his funeral
St. Joan of Arc Shepardess in France, St. Michael told her to GO SAVE FRANCE She led the French to victory over England. Captured by the British and burned at the stake when she was 19.
St. Francis of Assisi Grew up very rich but gave away all he owned to the poor Started the Franciscan Order of Monks who help the poor, preach and live simply Had the Stigmata (wounds of Christ)
St. Therese Liesuex Youngest child of 5 Became a Carmalite nun with her sisters Wrote a book called the Story of a Soul – where she shares her “little way” to follow Christ
Blessed Louis Martin Father of St. Therese Showed tremendous faith in God throughout the struggles in his life He and his wife Zellie are going to be canonized saints soon.
St. Martin de Porres Dominican Friar Could bilocate to heal people He took care of sick animals too
St. Maria Goretti Beautiful girl from a poor family, lived on a farm Was attacked by one of the farm workers and died at age 14 Before she died she forgave her murderer Alessandro and later appeared to him in jail which cause him to repent and convert.
St. Dominic Savio Ordinary boy with an extraordinary love for God Student of St. John Bosco Good example to everyone around him
St. Katherine Drexel Wealthy girl from Philadelphia, PA Very generous with her money and started schools poor. Started the order of sisters known as Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament
St. John Neumann Tried to become a priest but there were too many priests in Europe so he moved to New York to be ordained. Became Bishop of Philadelphia – opened many Catholic Schools
St. Peter Fisherman, brother of the Apostle Andrew 1 st Pope One of Jesus closest friends Martyred – crucified upside-down
St. Joseph Foster Father of Jesus Spent his life providing and caring for Mary and Jesus He has 2 feast days March 19 and May 1
St. Philomena Princess from Greece. Refused to marry the emperor so he tried to kill her – she miraculously survived several times Called Wonder Worker for all the miracles she has performed
St. Paul “Apostles of Gentiles” Roman Solder known as Saul who converted to Christianity when he was knocked off his horse heard the voice of Jesus He was baptized and changed his name to Paul
St. Patrick Born in Scotland but captured by pirates at 14 and taken to Ireland Grew up to be a bishop Converted pagans to Christianity all over Ireland Use the Shamrock to teach about the Holy Trinity
St. Catherine Laboure Blessed Mother appeared to her 3 times and told her to have a medal made in her image – this is known as the Miraculous Medal Worn by millions of people around the world
The Miraculous Medal
St. Maximillion Kolbe Franciscan priest arrested by the Nazis and sent to a concentration camp. Sacrificed himself so another prisoner with a family could live.
Elizabeth of Hungary Princess of Hungary Spent her time caring for the poor and sick
Damien of Molokai The Leper Priest Moved to the Island of Molokai to build churches and hospitals for people who had leprosy – a terrible contagious disease.
Steven of Hungary King of Hungary Would disguise himself and sneak out of the castle to help the poor Built many churches all over his country Had a strong devotion to Mary, Mother of God
Thomas More Stood up to his friend the King of England when he wanted to divorce his wife Stayed faithful to God even after he was imprisoned and put to death
Elizabeth Ann Seton From New York wealthy family Converted to Catholism when her husband died in Italy Started many Catholic schools and a few orphanages Began the Sisters of Charity
St. Francis Xavier Jesuit priest who traveled to Asia to baptize thousand of people With his gentle, polite way and prayers he convinced many bad living Christians to repent