Hear and believe Acts 16:31 believe in the Lord, saved Acts 16:32; Rom. 10:17 must hear before believe Heb. 11:8 faith demands obedience Jn. 3:3-36 obey, born of water and Spirit Rom. 2:8 apeitheo “do not obey” Rom. 10:21 apeitheo “disobedient”
Hear and believe Repent Change of mind, resulting in change of action Matt. 21:28-31 parable of two sons Lk. 13:3 everyone must repent Acts 26:19-20 perform deeds appropriate Rev. 2:4-5 also repent as Christian when sin
Hear and believe Repent Confess Jesus before men Matt. 10:32-33 confess Jesus, He’ll confess you Acts 8:35-38 confess Jesus before baptized 1 Tim. 6:12-14 Timothy, before many witnesses Heb. 4:14-16; 10:23-25 hold fast, confession Rev. 3:2-5 live faithfully to hold fast confession
Hear and believe Repent Confess Jesus before men Baptized into Christ Matt. 28:19-20; Mk. 16:16 disciple, baptized Acts 16:33-34 baptized having believed
Hear and believe Repent Confess Jesus before men Baptized into Christ Matt. 28:19-20; Mk. 16:16 disciple, baptized Acts 16:33-34 baptized having believed What happens when we’re baptized? Acts 2:38 sins forgiven, receive gift Holy Spirit Acts 2:47; 1 Cor. 12:13 added to church, baptized into body Acts 22:16; Rev. 7:14 sins washed away, blood of Jesus Rom. 6:3-7 baptized into Christ.... Eph. 1-2 receive all spiritual blessings.... Col. 2:11-13 buried with Christ, raised up with Him Pet. 3:21 saved Jn. 3:3-5 born again of water and Spirit, child of God
Hear and believe Repent Confess Jesus before men Baptized into Christ Serve God faithfully for life Rev. 2:4-7 Christians, repent of sins, Paradise Rev. 2:10 faithful until death