Surah Aal Imran Ayah 91 By NQSJ_AH035_Mawa. Ayah 91 with its Translation.


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Presentation transcript:

Surah Aal Imran Ayah 91 By NQSJ_AH035_Mawa

Ayah 91 with its Translation

He who lives life as a disbeliever and spends his life luxuriously and with no regrets will meet the circumstances.

Repent and do the Tawba now

Surah Tawbah Ayah 104

TAWBAH Done in the lifetime will be accepted


No tawba will be accepted at the time of death……

Reference Surah Nisa Ayah 18

Those who die as kafir, if they give Earth full of Gold will not be accepted. They would still taste the HELL FIRE

Earth full of Gold


Remember: No one can enter JANNAH forcefully. Do the Good Deeds in Duniya. All Sadqa, Khairaath, Naiki…! Do tawbah while hail and healthy not on the death bed. No friend, no family member, no children will come to rescue… kisi ki Sifarish kaam nahi ayegi! No money, no gold nothing will save from the HELL FIRE!!!

Dua for forgiveness: