ASSOCIATION OF EUROPEAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Partners for Investment Promotion Partnership II ‘Serbian-Bosnian SPA Adventure’ Final meeting Brussels, 13 November 2009
ASSOCIATION OF EUROPEAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Partnership Overview Promofirenze, Special Agency of Florence CCI Sabrina Montaguti Carlotta Viviani Trencin Regional Chamber of Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry Jan Vaclav Lubica Zovincova Kikinda Regional CCI and Serbian partners ( CCI Zrenjanin, Pancevo, Zajecar, Leskovac) Sasa Tanackov Chamber of Economy of Una Sana Canton, Bihac Nihad Susnjar
ASSOCIATION OF EUROPEAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Project Management Outcomes Very good partnership and organization among EU and WB partners involved into the project (3 cooperation agreements signed among EU partners and WB partners) ; Every activity has been introduced by promotional actions, web and press communication, as well as networking strategies; Those actions produced good participation of other external actors such as Tourist associations, institutional Stakeholders and Tourist Structures; Some of them joined the project also participated at the training sessions of Florence, Trencin and Bihac. Training activities produced synergies with other projects involving WB territories (above all for what concerns Tuscany, the Province of Siena and the Circondario Empolese Valdelsa already started with other projects which have been implemented thanks to the Florence training session)
ASSOCIATION OF EUROPEAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Project Activities Outputs Very good partnership and organization among EU and WB partners involved into the project; Detailed final report with SWOT analysys and rating of Serbian and Bosnian involved territories (more than 10 poles of growth in WB was identifed) ; Tourist Guide realization, printing (1000 copies) and diffusion; Wide media coverage of the project in all countries (more than 15 articles and TV & radio spots at the national level published within the partnership); Dedicated web windows and newsletters; More than 6000 companies informed (1500 in Slovakia, around 5000 in the province of Florence – of which 285 travel agencies and T.O tourist structures, around 200 in Serbia and Bosnia)
ASSOCIATION OF EUROPEAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY New active partnerships creation Cooperation treaty between TRC SCCI and Bihac CCI was signed on occasion of ECO BIS event; Economic forum of Slovak Government and Serbian government in Bratislava, Slovakia. The cooperation treaty between TRC SCCI and Sombor CCI, Serbia on occasion of this event was signed; Cooperation treaty between fairs companies Expocenter and Bihac CCI was signed on October 14th, 2009 during ELOSYS fair; Identification of project proposal for transfer of know how to BiH through Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in pipeline; Participation at ECOBIS fair helped to renew cooperation with Bjelovar CCI from Croatia who took part at ELOSYS fair in Trencin, Slovakia; Cooperation treaty between TRC SCCI and Kragujevac CCI is in pipeline;
ASSOCIATION OF EUROPEAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Self Assessment and Achieved Goals Strategic regional partnership established Networking strategy among different Chambers of Commerce improved High qualify and specialized staff created Tourist incoming flows increasing - on going – results are not yet measurable Business movement at all levels increasing (from high standard tourist structures, to all connected services) - on going – results are not yet measurable. Diversification of the tourism product promotion realized Market expansion and internationalization of the customer base– on going – results are not yet measurable Refined marketing techniques developed Foreign investments incentives scouting and promotion realized
ASSOCIATION OF EUROPEAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Follow-Up of the Project 30th September 2009 – Florence (Italy) – Institutional and Business Meeting of 8 members’ Government delegation of West Balkan (Serbia, Bosnia, Albania, Montenegro). Eurochambres project has been presented and welcome with great interest, as well as potential development of business and financial links among our countries and regions; October 2009: participation of Bosnia and Croatia at international specialized exhibition ELOSYS and international B2B in Trencin. For more details see October 2009: cooperation treaty between Slovak fair company Expo center and ECOBIS from Bihac, BiH was signed on occasion of ELOSYS fair; th October 2009: the Days of Pampkin in Kikinda, Serbia – Tourist organization Kikinda, Serbia and Tourist organization Una – Sana Canton Bihac, BiH make first steep in future partnersheep. It was first official meeting between ex brotherhood towns institutions after Identification of project intents for further development of cooperation between BiH and Slovakia; Workshops on doing business in WB; Trade missions to WB next year. 1-4 December: Business and Institutional Mission in Serbia (Belgrad, Novy Sad and Kragujevac) and B2B, organized by Promofirenze; Other important activities with WB countries will be planned for the end of 2009 and 2010.
ASSOCIATION OF EUROPEAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY The cooperation has been more and more improving…
ASSOCIATION OF EUROPEAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Thanks to Eurochambres for this very good partnership!
ASSOCIATION OF EUROPEAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Thank you for attention! Promofirenze – Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Florence - Via Castello D’Altafronte, 11 – Florence – Italy Ms. Carlotta Viviani – Ph Trencin Regional Chamber of Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ms. Lubica Zovincova – Ph.: + Kikinda Regional CCI and Serbian partners ( CCI Zrenjanin, Pancevo, Zajecar, Leskovac) Mr. Sasa Tanackov – Ph Chamber of Economy of Una Sana Canton, Bihac Mr. Nihad Susnjar - Ph