EU Enlargement International Business Forum June 11th, 2014 EU assistance to SMEs- support for export and introduction of standards Martin SCHIEDER Head of Operations Section for Economic Development, Trade and Natural Resources EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina
EU Enlargement Main assistance programmes : From post war reconstruction to support for EU accession. PHARE Programme OBNOVA Programme Community Assistance for Reconstruction and Democratic Stabilisation (CARDS) Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) Total support over the past 20 years: € 3.2 billion EU financial assistance to BiH
EU Enlargement Objective: Support participation in Stabilisation and Association Process and prepare for EU accession. National IPA programme for Bosnia and Hercegovina: Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA I): 2007 to 2013
EU Enlargement Private Sector Development: Past assistance - Trade, competition, state aid, IPR (approx. € 23,5 mil) - Industry, eexport promotion, SME's, regional and local economic developmen (approx. € 24,5 mil), - Tourism (TA + grants), (approx. € 5mil). Current assistance (approx. € 11 mil) - EU Support for introduction of Quality Management Systems in accordance with ISO 9001 standard (€ 1,9 mil), - Support for development of Feasibility Studies for Business Infrastructure (€ 1,3 mil), - Support to Tourism Industry (€ 2,6 mil), - Grants for Local Economic Development (€ 5,2 mil). Pipeline - Support to SME competitiveness through the transfer of best Small Business Act practice (EBRD, € 2 mil). Support to Private Sector Development
EU Enlargement Best practice from EU projects: -Export Support Facility (€ 100,000) – Pilot SME grant scheme implemented with Export Promotion Agency (BHEPA). -SME Voucher Scheme (€ 120,000) – Over 100 SME's assisted with introduction of standards, production in improvements, marketing, development of business plans. - EBRD Small Business Support Programme (€ 2 mil) : 136 companies connected with international and local consultants (transfer of know-how, innovative technologies, introduction of standards). Grant for Techno-Park in Zenica-laboratory for wood testing. Support to SME competitiveness, export and introduction of standards
EU Enlargement Current initiatives: Support for the Introduction of Quality Management Systems – "EU QMS BiH Project " - Preparation of 100 SME's countrywide for QMS certification. - Promotional campaign - Launch of the calls to SMEs to participate in free preparation for QMS certification in accordance with ISO 9001: Roadshow events in Sarajevo, Mostar, Banja Luka, Brcko and Tuzla. Support to SME competitiveness, export and introduction of standards
EU Enlargement Draft Country Strategy Paper IPA Priorities for 2014: Competitiveness, Innovation Local development strategies Objective: To strengthen development of SMEs Programming process IPA ongoing
EU Enlargement Conditionality for IPA II: Functional EU coordination mechanism Country wide sector strategies New Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA II): 2014 to 2020
EU Enlargement THANK YOU Martin SCHIEDER Head of Operations Section for Economic Development, Trade and Natural Resource EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina