Review of Sharing of the eight core indicators Joint Task Force on Environmental Indicators Eighth session Eighth session Geneva, 14–15 May 2014 Robin.


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Presentation transcript:

Review of Sharing of the eight core indicators Joint Task Force on Environmental Indicators Eighth session Eighth session Geneva, 14–15 May 2014 Robin Rieprich Consultant to the Secretariat ECE Environment Division

The eighth session of the Joined Task Force: Assessment of the status quo and ideas for the way forward Review of the production of core indicators (items 3a-h) Review of the online sharing of core indicators (item 3i) Proposed tailor-made recommendations for the production and sharing of Indicators (item 4) The status quo The way forward

Review of online sharing of environmental indicators Focal points of the assessment of webpages  Online availability  Content  Languages

Sharing of core indicators on national websites Optimal level of online sharing: In an optimal case, each of the eight core indicators should be available on the website of a national agency, which is given the responsibility to produce the indicator and to manage the data

Sharing of core indicators on national websites *Based on submissions to the JTF secretariat in March/April Produced indicators also include those that do not fully meet the requirements acording to structure, format, and time series.

Accessibility from the main page of the responsible agency Optimal level of online sharing: The webpage with an indicator or set of indicators should be easily accessible from the main agency’s website, through a menu bar or a dedicated icon

Accessibility from the main page of the responsible agency Azerbaijan Kyrgyzstan Serbia Russian Federation

Accessibility from the main page of the responsible agency

Presentation of indicators on individual webpages or by thematic areas Optimal level of online sharing: For reasons of clarity, the information should be preferably presented on one page per indicator or thematic area

Presentation of indicators on individual webpages or by thematic areas Belarus TfYR Macedonia Kyrgyzstan Ukraine

Presentation of indicators on individual webpages or by thematic areas Countries presenting indicators on individual webpages or by thematic areas: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, The Republic of Moldova, Serbia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Ukraine. Countries presenting indicators on one webpage/in one document: Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, and Russian Federation

Indicators presented in an interactive file format Optimal level of online sharing: Information should be preferably presented in an interactive file format that permits easy navigation between indicators or indicator content

Indicators presented in an interactive file format Serbia Armenia

Indicators presented in an interactive file format

Search functions 

Information on content provided on webpages presenting indicators Optimal level of online sharing: The website with an indicator/set of indicators should provide clear and brief information on the content of the indicator presented (indicator structure and format, methodology, data validation as well as a brief interpretation, policy targets and trends)

Information on content provided on webpages presenting indicators TfYR Macedonia

Information on content provided on webpages presenting indicators TfYR Macedonia

Information on content provided on webpages presenting indicators Serbia

Information on content provided on webpages presenting indicators

Links for further reading provided on webpages presenting indicators Optimal level of online sharing: To allow further access to more detailed background information, links on – at least – more detailed references to methodology, sources of data, and data validation procedures should be provided

Links for further reading provided on webpages presenting indicators Bosnia and Herzegovina Belarus

Links for further reading provided on webpages presenting indicators *Or only links provided which are not meeting the minimum requirements on content of the linked webpages

Links for further reading provided on webpages presenting indicators Optimal level of online sharing: The webpage should indicate when the content was changed 

Optimal level of online sharing: The webpage(s) presenting the indicators should be available in local languages to be utilizable for the local public and policy makers and in a second language (English or Russian) so that it can be used by the international community and public of neighboring countries Languages of webpages presenting indicators

Questions to the target countries  What are the reasons for not sharing all produced indicators on national websites? [Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Republic of Moldova, Georgia]  Каковы причины отсутствия обмена всех производимых показателей на национальных веб-сайтах? [Казахстан, Кыргызстан, Сербия, Арменя, Азербайджан, Республика Молдова, Грузия]

Questions to the target countries  Why are no menu bars integrated in the main website of the responsible agency of your country facilitating access to environmental indicators? [Armenia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, TfYR Macedonia]  Почему нет ссылок, которые были бы интегрированы в основной веб-сайт ответственного агентства Вашей страны, для облегчения доступа к экологическим показателям? [Армения, Черногория, Босния и Герцеговина, бывшая югославская Республика Македония]

Questions to the target countries  Have you considered to make indicators accessible on individual pages or by thematic areas? [Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, Russian Federation]  Рассматривали ли Вы возможность разместить показатели, доступные на отдельных страницах или по тематическим областям? [Беларусь, Босния и Герцеговина, Кыргызстан, Черногория, Российская Федерация]

Questions to the target countries  For which reasons are most countries making indicators available only in PDFs? [All countries except Serbia, Belarus, Republic of Moldova]  Каковы причины, по которым большинство стран, производящих показатели, публикуют их только в PDF? [Все страны, за исключением Сербии, Беларуси, Республики Молдова]

Questions to the target countries  What are the reasons for not providing background information (indicator structure and format, methodology, data validation as well as a brief interpretation, policy targets and trends) with the indicators?  Particularly information on data validation seems not to be covered by any target country. Why? [All countries]  Каковы причины того, что в большинстве случаев не предоставлена справочная информация для показателей (структура, формат, методология, проверка данных, а также краткие толкования, политические цели и тенденции)?  Информация о проверке данных не была представлена ни одной целевой страной. Почему? [Все страны]

Questions to the target countries  Would it be possible for your country to add additional links for further reading to the webpage where indicators are shared? [All countries]  Возможно ли в Вашей стране добавить дополнительные ссылки для дальнейшего чтения веб-сайтов, на которых размещены рассматриваемые показатели? [Все страны]