The Great War Begins
Name something you know about WWI What is something you would like to know about WWI? How were wars fought in the 1800’s prior to WWI? How do you think “nationalism” made the conflict worse than it originally was?
There is never a trash can more than 30 steps from where you are in Disney parks. Allegedly, Walt Disney himself went to other parks and watched how long people held on to trash before dropping it on the ground, and found that it was only 30 steps or so.
Lasted from Was fought in Europe
Alliances (agreements with other countries) are one of the leading causes of WWI. Other major causes: Distrust Nationalism Competition for resources
AKA…The Central Powers: Germany / Italy / Austria- Hungary France and Germany hate each other (Germany defeated France in the Franco-Prussian war) To protect the newly founded Germany, Bismarck (remember our boy bizzy biz) signed treaties with Italy and Austria- Hungary.
AKA – The Allies Entente – an informal agreement between countries France / Russia / Great Britian
Economic competition caused countries to hate each other. Each country wanted the most money, weaponry, and colonies. Countries began to practice militarism Militarism – Glorification and building up of the military.
Nationalism fueled countries to want to be the best and strongest. Example: Russia believed that they had to support all of the Slavic people. So they backed a country called Serbia (a new country). Due to nationalism, this country was made up only of Slavic people. The Balkan Wars – Fueled tension in the South Slavic states Many Balkan nations attacked Turkey and took huge chunks of land away because they wanted their own nations.
The Balkan States became known as the “Powder Keg,” because it was ready to explode from anger and nationalistic tensions.
The war started with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. Bosnia was under the control of Austria. Many Serbians and Slavs lived in Bosnia an saw Austria as oppressors. A Serbian Nationalist group called, THE BLACK HAND, created a plan to assassinate (kill) the Archduke.
Franz Ferdinand visited Sarajevo, the Capital of Bosnia. A man named Gavrilo Princip fired two shots into his car, killing the Archduke and his wife Sophie.
Austria declared War on Serbia after the assassination. Alliances began to kick in. As one country began to back another, ALMOST every country in Europe chose a side. This progression is known as the “Domino Effect.” Only Neutral Country – Switzerland.
Russia and the “Allies” (Russia, France, England) began to mobilize to support Serbia and to prepare their militaries for war. The Central Powers (Germany, Italy, Austria- Hungary) began to further arm themselves as well. World War One has begun.
Crash Course WWI – Part One Crash Course WWI – Part Two