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What countries were Eastern Europe during the Cold War, but are considered Central Europe today? Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic
Which part of Europe is Greece considered to be in and why? Western Europe, because it’s the cradle of Democracy, western philosophy, western traditions and culture
What are the three types of minority groups and give an example of each: Indigenous: Sami, Basques, Celt Changing Borders: Serbs in Bosnia, Slovaks in Czech Migratory: many examples possible – French living in Germany
What was the language of the Romans and what language family came from it? Latin; Romance language family
What Languages are a part of the Romance language family? Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French
What religion in dominant in each country: 1. Albania 2. Most of France 3. N. Ireland 4. N. Germany 5. Turkey 1. Islam; 2. Catholic; 3. Protestant; 4. Protestant; 5. Islam
What contributions did Greece make to Western Europe? Philosophy, Architecture, Democracy, Art
What led to the development of Kingdoms in Europe? Roman Empire collapsed, communities organized into small Kingdoms for protection
What is the structure of the Feudal society, what role does each have? King at the top: provide the lands, organize the Kingdom Nobles: Provide Knights for the King, protect the peasants Peasants: Farm the land, provide for the needs of the Nobles
Why is the Renaissance important to modern history? The Renaissance inspired art, science, democracy. It moved governments to secular (non- religious) ways – separating government from the Church.
2 part: 1. What is the difference between constitutionalism and absolutism? 2. _________was the absolutist King who was beheaded. 1.Constitutionalism = supreme law is the constitution. All must abide by it. Absolutism = King supreme, s/he is above the law. 2.King Louis XIV
1. What inspired the Congress of Vienna, and 2. what was the purpose of it? 1. The Napoleonic wars 2. Set up a peaceful balance of power in Europe, to avoid future wars between European nations.
What is the term for each: 1.Government control of major industries in order to promote greater equality 2.A Pride/love for ones nation. 3.The belief in freedom/liberty without government interference in personal endeavors. 1.Socialism 2.Nationalism 3.Liberalism
What did Bismarck create to keep the peace in Europe? A system of defensive alliances between nations.
Who were a part of each in WWII? 1.Allies 2.Axis Powers 1.U.S., Soviet Union, UK, France (the resistance) 2.Germany, Italy, Japan
Why was Europe divided between East/West after WWII? North Atlantic Treaty Organization
What does NATO stand for and what is its purpose? North Atlantic Treaty Organization Defensive Alliance
What organization did the Soviet Union create in order to counter NATO? Warsaw Pact
What does the EU stand for and what is its purpose? European Union An economic alliance between European nations – strengthens economy to compete with the U.S. and Asia
What is the criteria to join the EU? Stable Democracy Ability to compete economically with other EU countries.
What problem is the EU/Euro having right now? The world wide economic recession has devalued the Euro. A few countries, such as Greece, have failing economies which could spell doom for the EU.
1.Who was the leader of Yugoslavia that had ruled with an Iron Fist? 2.Who was the leader of Serbia that was responsible for ethnic cleansing/genocide? 1.Josip Tito 2.Slobodan Milošević
Why was Serbia unwilling to allow Bosnia, Croatia, and Kosovo to separate? Serbs were living in each of those countries Serbia wanted to maintain control of the region