The Review
What is a comparison between two unklike objects using “like” or “as”?
What is the overarching idea or concept that is related to life?
What is a reference to a character from another literary work known as?
The author briefly looks back in time using specific details Allusion Flashback Personification Simile Theme Transition or lead in statement A phrase or sentence that links the present to the past; the author uses this to begin a flashback Allusion Flashback Personification Simile Theme Transition or lead in statement
Using diaries 16, 22, and 24, identify 1 example of the following literary terms from the actual diary entries. You must cite specific lines from the text as answers. Allusion Theme
Using diaries 16, 22, and 24, identify 1 example of the following literary terms from the actual diary entries. You must cite specific lines from the text as answers. Simile Personification
Using diaries 16, 22, and 24, identify 1 example of the following literary terms from the actual diary entries. You must cite specific lines from the text as answers. Flashback Lead in
Provide examples for the three parts of the triangle diagram, by referring to specific examples from one of your diary entries that have been provided for you.
What are the 3 parts of the Sample Writing Structure? 1. 2. 3. Using our Sample Writing Structure, fill in the matching visual symbols to correspond with the format we have studied. Set the scene Create mages Show feelings / thoughts
Using the symbols for SWS, annotate Diary 16. Give 2 examples of each part of the SWS.
What is the format or structure for a This I Believe essay?
Read Diary 95 and identify each part of this format (This I Believe) in the diary.
Column AColumn B 1. Abusive relationshipsa.War 2. Body imageb. Telling the truth 3. Bullyingc. News & media promote negatives 4. Hiding during LA riotsd. Addiction 5. Murdere. Violence against women 6.Teen drinkingf. Self esteem/self confidence 7. A peace march at schoolg. War in Bosnia
1. Describe the racial situation that exists at the time of the movie. 2. What are ways that Ms. G tries to engage (interest) the students throughout the movie? 3.Why does Eva “hate white people?” 4. What does Ms. G do when she finds the picture of Jamal? What historical event does she bring up? Why is this event relevant to her students? 5. Describe Ms. G’s husband. What is his attitude toward his teaching career? 6. What is the philosophy of the students? How do they perceive “graduation?” 7. What does the scene with Eva and the Cambodian girl show? What does it convey? What is the message?
There is a shift or change in FWD. What are the ideas that are important to the students in the beginning of the novel/movie? What is important to the students by the end? Explain the connection between the books and articles the students read for class and the changes the students, themselves, make as time progresses.
What are 2 life lessons you can learn from FWD? Develop your answer with specific details from the book (or movie) and your own life. Which medium do you prefer – the movie or the book? Explain why, using specific details from both. The scenes with Eva and her papi in the toy store, her first day of school, and when she is “jumped into” the gang are not included in the book. Explain how including these scenes add the development of Eva’s character.