The Danube Basin ICPDR Philip Weller Danube Leaders Conference, Novi Sad, July 9, 2010 The Ecological Foundations for Development
The Danube is a diverse region - ecologically and socially
Water is an Element that Connects Water is an element that connects diverse natural ecosystems and people.
Danube River Protection Convention Signed on 29 June 1994 in Sofia - Bulgaria DRPC is a legal frame for cooperation to assure the protection of water and ecological resources and their sustainable use in the Danube River Basin.
ICPDR - International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River The ICPDR, established by the DRPC: has the mandate to ensure conservation, improvement and rational use of surface waters and ground water reduce inputs of nutrients and hazardous substances control floods and ice hazards reduce pollution loads to the Black Sea Since 2000 the ICPDR is the coordinating body for implementing the EU Water Framework Directive in DRB
Germany Austria Czech Republic Slovakia Hungary Slovenia Croatia Bosnia & Herzegovina Serbia Montenegro Romania Bulgaria Rep. of Moldova Ukraine European Union Contracting Parties
Trans National Monitoring Network - TNMN
Danube River Basin Management Plan Finalised in December 2009 Reflects Water status of the DRB waters Significant Water Management Issues Includes Joint Programme of Measures Evaluation on measures implementation Enables Conclusions on investment and funding
Significant Water Management Issues Organic Pollution Nutrient Pollution Hazardous Substances Pollution Hydromorphological Alterations
Flood Protection
Ministerial Meeting February 16, 2010
Environment is an Integrative Element Our goal is to work together with other sectors to ensure that the decisions of those sectors do not damage the environment and that synergy between environmental protection and economic development can be found
Joint Statement adoped by Danube Commision, ISRBC and ICPDR
River and habitat continuity interruption Restoring lateral and longtitudinal connectivity for fish and other organisms.
Agriculture and LandUse Factor Affecting Water Quality
Process Towards Climate Change adaptation
Danube Campaign Tour with exhibition and films to Danube cities
The Ship Negrelli
Exhibition in containers
In partnership with: Danube Box
„Solidarity accross the Basin“ - Linking people - Joining forces Outreach
Danube Art Master
Slogan: „ Get Active for the Rivers“ Danube Day – promoting Danube solidarity
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