- Gravitational Wave Detection of Astrophysical Sources Barry C. Barish Caltech Neutrino Telescope Venice 24-Feb-05 LIGO-xxx Crab Pulsar
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope2 Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation a necessary consequence of Special Relativity with its finite speed for information transfer gravitational waves come from the acceleration of masses and propagate away from their sources as a space-time warpage at the speed of light gravitational radiation binary inspiral of compact objects
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope3 Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation gravitational waves Using Minkowski metric, the information about space-time curvature is contained in the metric as an added term, h mn. In the weak field limit, the equation can be described with linear equations. If the choice of gauge is the transverse traceless gauge the formulation becomes a familiar wave equation The strain h mn takes the form of a plane wave propagating at the speed of light (c). Since gravity is spin 2, the waves have two components, but rotated by 45 0 instead of 90 0 from each other.
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope4 Detection of Gravitational Waves Detectors in space LISA Gravitational Wave Astrophysical Source Terrestrial detectors Virgo, LIGO, TAMA, GEO AIGO
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope5 Gravitational Waves in Space LISA Three spacecraft, each with a Y-shaped payload, form an equilateral triangle with sides 5 million km in length.
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope6 LISA The diagram shows the sensitivity bands for LISA and LIGO
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope7 Detecting a passing wave …. Free masses
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope8 Detecting a passing wave …. Interferometer
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope9 Interferometer Concept l Laser used to measure relative lengths of two orthogonal arms As a wave passes, the arm lengths change in different ways…. …causing the interference pattern to change at the photodiode Arms in LIGO are 4km Measure difference in length to one part in or meters Suspended Masses
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope10 Simultaneous Detection 3002 km (L/c = 10 ms) Hanford Observatory Caltech Livingston Observatory MIT
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope11 LIGO Livingston Observatory
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope12 LIGO Hanford Observatory
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope13 LIGO Goals and Priorities l Interferometer performance »Integrate commissioning and data taking »Obtain one year of integrated data at h = by 2008 l Physics results from LIGO I »Initial upper limit results by early 2003 »First search to begin in 2005 »Reach LIGO I goals by 2008 l Advanced LIGO »Advanced LIGO approved at NSF / NSB (Nov 04) for ($185M) »Included in the Bush Administration’s budget plan released Feb 05 for 2008 start
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope14 Lock Acquisition
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope15 What Limits LIGO Sensitivity? lSeismic noise limits low frequencies lThermal Noise limits middle frequencies lQuantum nature of light (Shot Noise) limits high frequencies lTechnical issues - alignment, electronics, acoustics, etc limit us before we reach these design goals
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope16 Evolution of LIGO Sensitivity
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope17 An earthquake occurred, starting at UTC 17:38. From electronic logbook 2-Jan-02 Detecting Earthquakes
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope18 Detect the Earth Tide from the Sun and Moon
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope19 Science Runs S2 ~ 0.9Mpc S1 ~ 100 kpc E8 ~ 5 kpc NN Binary Inspiral Range S3 ~ 3 Mpc Design ~ 14 Mpc A Measure of Progress Milky Way AndromedaVirgo Cluster
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope20 Astrophysical Sources l Compact binary inspiral: “chirps” »NS-NS waveforms are well described »BH-BH need better waveforms »search technique: matched templates l Supernovae / GRBs: “bursts” »burst signals in coincidence with signals in electromagnetic radiation »prompt alarm (~ one hour) with neutrino detectors l Pulsars in our galaxy: “periodic” »search for observed neutron stars (frequency, doppler shift) »all sky search (computing challenge) »r-modes l Cosmological Signals “stochastic background”
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope21 Detection of Periodic Sources l Pulsars in our galaxy: “periodic” »search for observed neutron stars »all sky search (computing challenge) »r-modes Frequency modulation of signal due to Earth’s motion relative to the Solar System Barycenter, intrinsic frequency changes. Amplitude modulation due to the detector’s antenna pattern.
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope22 Two Search Methods Frequency domain Best suited for large parameter space searches Maximum likelihood detection method + Frequentist approach Time domain Best suited to target known objects, even if phase evolution is complicated Bayesian approach Early science runs --- use both pipelines for the same search for cross-checking and validation
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope23 Directed Pulsar Limits on Strain S1 J S2 J1910 – 5959D: h 0 = 1.7 x Crab pulsar Red dots: pulsars are in globular clusters - cluster dynamics hide intrinsic spin- down properties Blue dots: field pulsars for which spin-downs are known h 95 1 PDF 0 strain Marginalized Bayesian PDF for h
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope24 Directed Pulsar Search 28 Radio Sources
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope25 R moment of inertia tensor gravitational ellipticity of pulsar Upper limit on pulsar ellipticity.. NEW RESULT 28 known pulsars NO gravitational waves e < – (no mountains > 10 cm
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope26 EM spin-down upper-limits LIGO upper-limits from h max J S1 S2 Ellipticity Limits Red dots: pulsars are in globular clusters - cluster dynamics hide intrinsic spin-down properties Blue dots: field pulsars for which spin-downs are known Best upper-limits: J1910 – 5959D: h 0 < 1.7 x J2124 – 3358: < 4.5 x How far are S2 results from spin-down limit? Crab: ~ 30X
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope27 Detection of Periodic Sources l Signature of gravitational wave Pulsars Frequency modulation of signal due to Earth’s motion relative to the Solar System Barycenter, intrinsic frequency changes. Amplitude modulation due to the detector’s antenna pattern. ALL SKY SEARCH enormous computing challenge
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope28 l A maximum-sensitivity all-sky search for pulsars in LIGO data requires more computer resources than exist on the planet. l The world’s largest supercomputer is arguably »A $599 computer from Radio Shack is a very powerful computational engine. »Currently runs on a half-million machines at any given time. l With help from the developers, LIGO scientists have created a distributed public all- sky pulsar search.
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope29 l Versions are available for Windows, Mac, Linux. l How does work? »Downloads a 12 MB ‘snippet’ of data from servers »Searches the sky in a narrow range of frequencies »Uploads interesting candidates for further follow-up »Screensaver shows where you are currently searching in the sky l We invite all of you to join and help us find gravitational waves.
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope30 Usage Test Version had about 7K Users 5x LIGO computing capacity OFFICIAL RELEASE on 20-Feb
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope31 Users I'm from Germany and was interested in the mysteries of the universe since I was a little boy. I read lots of magazines about astrophysics and astronomy. When I heard about the project it was no question for me to participate. My job is to make original-sized design models of new Mercedes- Benz cars, especially the interieur. When I don't work I often play keyboards and percussions and sing some backing vocals in my cover-rock- band "Gilga-Mesh"
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope32 Users Hi, my name's John Slattery. I'm a 62 year old English teacher, originally from Boston, MA, currently living in Santa Fe, New Mexico where I'm tutoring, and teaching ESL. My hobbies: fitness, camping, hiking, reading, writing, surfing the Net I'm so very new at this; I'm not even sure what's going on. But it seemed, from the little I could understand, to be a worthwhile project.
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope33 Users
- 24-Feb-05Venice Neutrino Telescope34 LIGO Pulsar Search using personal computers BRUCE ALLEN Project Leader Univ of Wisconsin Milwaukee LIGO, UWM, AEI, APS einsteinathome/index.html