New UE Freight Corridors in the area of the central Europe Research Unit “Transport, Territory and Logistics” (TTL) University IUAV of Venice Final report Venice, 2009 October 30th
SECTION A – Study overview and objectives
WP “Intermodal network definition of development p r i o r i t i e s f o r d e p l o y m e n t ” a n d i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f t h e “ B u s i n e s s c a s e : p o r t o f V e n i c e ” [ W P ] The railway network of central Europe, capable to achieve combined transport (specifically for container), in combination with the sea ports of Northern Europe (Rotterdam-Hamburg-Bremerhaven) and Northern Italy (Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Sea); The economic area of influence of each port analyzed through transport variables (time) and then environmental parameters (energy consumption and emissions); The environmental problems connected with the current economic organization of sea lines and the influence areas of the port systems minimizing environmental impacts; Alternative scenarios for the most sustainable traffic organization. 3 This study has defined
SECTION B – Multimodal freight transport network
Container shipping relation Asia-Middle East to Europe This research has investigated International transport chains from Asia-Middle East to Europe via Suez Canal and via European ports up to their final destination by rail or road. Multimodal freight transport relates to shipments for which two or more transport modes are used - e.g. ship and train, ship and truck, or ship train and truck.
Assumptions As Port Said could be considered the gate of Suez Canal, it has been considered as the origin point for the comparison between multimodal chains, so: Paths to North Adriatic and North Tyrrhenian ports are realized through 7,500 TEU capacity Ship Paths to Atlantic ports are realized with 9,000 TEU capacity Ship Destination within a 200-km (124-mile) range from ports are supposedly reached by road Destination beyond a 200-km (124-mile) range from ports are served supposedly both by rail and road system combinations
The network simulated in the study The first part of the study has been devoted to the elaboration of the reference multimodal graph, required by the flow network simulation and traffic-related computation. The multimodal graph is made up as follows: the maritime paths from the Suez Canal (gate for the Mediterranean Sea from the Far East), and the three port systems: North Europe (Rotterdam – Hamburg), North Tyrrhenian Sea (Genova – la Spezia), North Adriatic (Venezia – Trieste); the landlines (rail-road) between the three port systems and the main destination in the Central Europe. 7
European sea ports
Maritime freight network
Railway and road freight network
Port efficiency Port efficiency is an important element of shipping costs but was not taken into account in the precincts of this research The handling time and costs are determined from variable local conditions. 11
SECTION C – Simulation parameters
Simulation Methodology and Procedure Multimodal network have been defined as arcs (rail and road links) and nodes (ports, goods yards, logistic centers). Efficiency and environment impacts of transport chains are estimated in relation with following parameters: Distances from each arch have allowed the calculation of average travel times (minutes); Travel time simulation has been performed on road network by applying an All-or-Nothing assignment model with flow control. This model assumed that travel time could vary with congestion. Consumption and emission simulation refers to unitary value calculated in a preliminary study. These parameters have been defined for each transportation mode. Final parameters are reported to total emission and consumption express per moved Teu for each relation. The simulations were carried out using APL Language Program 13
Transit Time validation Container transport services: transit times are deducted at an average cruise speed of 17knots. This value has been calculated in relation at real transit time recorded on this trade line (source: shipping companies, Maersk, MSC, and others); Rail network: running time has been simulated in relation with distances and the results show commercial speed equal to 40 km/h (25 mph). This value has been validated by Infrastructure Manager data (Rfi); Truck services: transit times have been simulated in relation with distances and are calibrated on the data reported by the European freight road companies and in relation with freight slots designed by infrastructure managers. 14
Standard transport modes considered 15 MAIN FEATURES FREIGHT TRAINTRUCK GROSS WEIGHT [Ton] TARE [Ton]60010 PAY LOAD [Ton]40030 WEIGHT PER TEU13,2 TEU/TRAIN30 TEU/TRUCK2 Main featuresunitMean value Energy Consumption t/h5,6 Speedknot17 Speedkm/h31,45 Fuel Consumption per kmton/km0,18 Fuel Consumption per teu – kmgram/km teu35,61 Consumption km teu gram/km teu Source: Containerization International, fleet average data INPUT DATA FOR ENERGY CONSUMPTION Teu /ship GT /ship consumption ton/day* km/day 756 gram/km gram/km teu 41,94 30,40 23,99 *C=8,0052+0,00235*GT Source: A.R.P.A.V., Le emissioni da attività portuale, 2007 Train / TruckContainer Ship /
Fuel Consumption by Mode of Transportation ENERGY CONSUMPTIONWh/ tkmgram/t-kmgram/km teukg/km teu FREIGHT TRAIN (electric engine)221,8962,370,06 FREIGHT TRAIN (Diesel-electric engine) 51650,17 TRUCK 12,52200,22 ENERGY CONSUMPTIONg/km teukg/km teu Mean Value/ship35,610, teu/ship 41,940, teu/ship 35,840, teu/ship 35,570,036 Train / Truck Container Ship /
Emissions (C0 2, NO x, SO 2, NMVOC, PM) 1.Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the major GHG leading to global warming. The global average temperature increase could have serious impact on global climate, leading to sea level rise, submerging many islands and metropolitans, and possibly even triggering acidification of the ocean ecological system. CO2 emissions from diesel engines are proportional to their fuel consumption. 2.Nitrogen oxides (NOx), including nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions are major contributors to acid rain, leading to the over-fertilization of lakes as well as the formation of smog. 3.Sulfur oxides (SOx), including sulfur dioxide (SO2) and sulfur trioxide (SO3), lead to acid rain and have detrimental effects on vegetation and human health. Sox emissions are proportional to total fuel consumption 4.Non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) are an important outdoor air pollutant. The group includes individual VOCs such as, benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and 1,3-butadiene. Within the NMVOCs, the aromatic compounds benzene, a carcinogen, may lead to leukemia through prolonged exposure. Many VOCs are involved in reactions that form ground-level ozone, which can damage to crops and many materials as well as potential effects on human health. 5.Particulate Matter (PM), mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air come from a variety fuel combustion, these emissions affect particularly respiratory system
Emissions unit values for transportation modes 18 RELATION FINAL ENERGY: EMISSION FACTORS TO FINAL ENERGY (KG FUEL) CO2NoxSO2NMVOCPM ggggg Gasoline6702,26,22,10,3 Diesel4701,84,41,50,24 Kerosene4501,84,31,50,23 Marine diesel oil 4001,741,50,22 Source: Ecoinvent 2006 VALUE OF EMISSIONS PER TEU - KM Power Source CO2/teu-km (grams) NOx/teu-km (grams) SO2/teu-km (grams) NMVOC/teu-km (grams) PM/teu-km (grams) total grams/teu- km TRAIN Electric 29,314 0,112 0,274 0,094 0,015 29,81 Diesel -Electric 77,550 0,297 0,726 0,248 0,040 78,86 TRUCK Diesel 103,400 0,396 0,968 0,330 0, ,15 SHIP Kerosene 16,025 0,064 0,153 0,053 0,008 16,30 Marine diesel oil 14,245 0,061 0,142 0,053 0,008 14,51 SHIP teu 18,873 0,075 0,180 0,063 0,010 19,20 SHIP teu 16,128 0,065 0,154 0,054 0,008 16,41 SHIP teu 16,005 0,064 0,153 0,053 0,008 16,28 Source: our elaboration
Results 19 The values estimated in this research, applied the network simulation, allowed: To pick up the multimodal freight transport modal combinations related to shipments, for example ship and train, ship and truck, or ship train and truck; To account the total energy consumption and emissions on every arch of the graph and for the main destination, using multimodal network; To estimate the different values of the time, the energy consumption and the emission using different links and different integrated transport modes
Port Said – Krakow Distances, Transit Time, Consumption, Emissions 22
Port Said – Krakow Partial Emissions 23
24 Port Said – Metz Distances, Transit Time, Consumption, Emissions
Port Said – Metz Partial Emissions 25
Port Said – Munchen Distances, Transit Time, Consumption, Emissions 26
Port Said – Munchen Partial Emissions 27
Port Said – Paris Distances, Transit Time, Consumption, Emissions 28
Port Said – Paris Partial Emissions 29
Port Said – Praha Distances, Transit Time, Consumption, Emissions 30
Port Said – Praha Partial Emissions 31
Port Said – Wien Distances, Transit Time, Consumption, Emissions 32
Port Said – Wien Partial Emissions 33
34 The elaborations show: The North Adriatic ports are efficient in transportation terms for all European destination examined; The North Tyrrhenian ports present lower value only for energy consumptions and emissions exclusively for the French area (Metz and Paris); The North European ports are not efficient for any parameters used in the study for all the destination tested. Transport and environmental best intermodal paths
Port Said – Padova Distances, Transit Time, Consumption, Emissions 36
Port Said – Padova Partial Emissions 37
Port Said – Treviso Distances, Transit Time, Consumption, Emissions 38
Port Said – Treviso Partial Emissions 39
Port Said - Udine Distances, Transit Time, Consumption, Emissions 40
Port Said – Udine Partial Emissions 41
Port Said – Venezia Distances, Transit Time, Consumption, Emissions 42
Port Said – Venezia Partial Emissions 43
Port Said - Vicenza Distances, Transit Time, Consumption, Emissions 44
Port Said – Vicenza Partial Emissions 45
Port Said – Verona Distances, Transit Time, Consumption, Emissions 46
Port Said – Verona Partial Emissions 47
48 Transport and environmental best intermodal paths A regional level analysis lets us draw the following conclusions: The connection between North Tyrrhenian Ports and Padua Freight Village is not economically efficient to reach the final destinations (either if consumptions or if emissions are at-stake); The port of Trieste can handle the concurrency of Venice only for North-Eastern border destinations: for leftover destinations Venice is to be preferred for both consumption and emission efficiency.