1 CASIP-SMEs project Project & Financial and Management Committee Meeting Luxembourg, 15th November 2012 This project is funded by the European Union Provided by the European Union A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice Mr Roberto Sandrini – Project Manager Action Plan for next project activities
2 CASIP-SMEs Project A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice This project is funded by the European Union GANTT of the project – next project activities
CASIP-SMEs Project A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of VeniceThis project is funded by the European Union Action 1 ACTIVITYDESCRIPTION Project and Financial Management 1st Deadline for the submission of the costs supporting documents: 15/12/2012 2nd Deadline for the submission of the costs supporting documents: 30/04/2012 Final Meeting in VeniceEach Partner will participate to the 2 days event, with a delegation. Furthermore also Associates, entrepreneurs and interested stakeholders will be invited The Lead Applicant will circulate a plan for the organization of the meeting, and with the role of each Partner During the meeting the following issues will be treated: - presentation of project results - presentation of the plan for transfearability and sustainability of the project - Adoption of the Evaluation report on the implementation of pilot activites, drafted by the Associates of the project
CASIP-SMEs Project A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of VeniceThis project is funded by the European Union Action 2 ACTIVITYDESCRIPTION Leaflet 2The 2nd Leaflet will present the services to be provided by each partner. Lead Applicant and UCV are responsible for the drafting of the text for the 4 different versions of the leaflet (one for each CA country) and for the translation in Russian language. CA Partners will approve the English version of the leaflet and they have the duty to distribute the leaflet among local SMEs, to involve them in pilot activities
CASIP-SMEs Project A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of VeniceThis project is funded by the European Union Action 5 ACTIVITYDESCRIPTION Definition of the methodology for the pilot action implementation The Methodology has been defined and will be used by Partners for the implementation of local pilot activities Implementation of local Pilot Action in CA countries The implementation of Pilot Activities will last until February Each Partner will develop its local pilot activity and involve local SMEs according to the action plan produced. All partners except for the Chamber of Commerce of Uzbekistan have presented their plan to the Lead Applicant and some partners have already started with the pilot action 3rd Steering Committee Meeting in Venice All Associates are invited to join the 3rd SC meeting, which will be organized next to the Final Event Associates will evaluate the pilot activities developed by each Partners and will draft an Evaluation Report, which will be later evaluated by the the Partners and presented during the Final Event
6 CASIP-SMEs Project A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice This project is funded by the European Union Thanks for your kind attention!