IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting: Venice April 2009 Financial Report: 2008 Brian R Harrington IEEE Treasurer: Region 8
IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting: Venice April 2009 IEEE Region 8 l To Report on the Financial Position at the end of the year 2008 l To Present a Budget Proposal for the Year: 2009
IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting: Venice April 2009 Housekeeping l Expense Claims: Region 8 Expense Report is on the Web Site and I can send a copy l Send your claim to the Treasurer by l Documents and vouchers supporting a claim can be readable scanned copies Bank Information
IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting: Venice April 2009 Venice l For this evening: Do not forget personal id. l Sponsorship: My thanks to Professor Donati and the Italy Executive for their assistance
IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting: Venice April 2009 The Year of 2008 There was significant activity in 2008: ISBIR Membership Development Technical Activity Student Projects
IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting: Venice April 2009 The Cost BUDGETACTUALVARIANCE MALTA90,000181,85291,852 QUÉBEC226,400292,13365,733 STUDENT CONGRESS55,00069,60314,603 CONFERENCES6,00022,00016,000 STUDENT PAPER CONTEST10,00021,63011,630
IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting: Venice April 2009 The Cost BUDGETACTUALVARIANCE MALTA90,000181,85291,852 QUÉBEC226,400292,13365,733 STUDENT CONGRESS55,00069,60314,603 CONFERENCES6,00022,00016,000 18,000 STUDENT PAPER CONTEST10,00021,6308,000
IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting: Venice April 2009
Investments The Long Term Investment Fund
Income (2008): BudgetActual Region 8 Assessment380,00476,35 Direct Support MGA149,60144,60 Voluntary Contributions15,0011,67 SSVR7,65 Bank Interest Received9,006,81 IEEE Media (Job Site)15,00 15,50 MGA Support: Québec82,86 MGA Additional Support41,4348,54 Student Activity 21,30 Recovered HQ and Societies 42,30 NIC including ISBIR125,00129,65 Less MGA Support: ,03 770,51904,37
Disbursements (2008): BudgetActual Malta: Conference Services40,0095,50 Malta: Committee Travel50,0062,63 Malta: Representatives 23,72 Québec: Conference Services192,37108,59 Québec: Region 8 Travel 140,37 Québec: Registration, Visas,.. 43,17 ISBIR115,00127,65 Voluntary Contributions15,0010,71 SSVR7,651,00 OpCom25,0038,35 R8 Director; A&R; Sect. Dev.35,0042,13 R8 Director; A&R; Sect. Dev.35,0042,13 V.C. Strategic Planning; N&A8,0015,23 V.C. Technical Activities66,9938,53 V.C. Membership Activities58,5015,79 V.C. Student Activities72,5099,08 Region 8 Newsletter70,0046,63 R8 Secretary7,503,27 R8 Treasurer7,0015,23 Venice, Riga, Lisbon 2009/ ,75 General and B/F Expenses 53,50 IEEE Headquarters Charges 16,37 Banking: Fees and Systems 23,00 770, ,20
IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting: Venice April 2009 The Future We should seek to rebuild our Assets: l Cash Flow l 2010 – We Should Consider a Region 8 Student Branch Congress l 2011 – IEEE Sections’ Congress l More Projects from Section Chairs
Assessment Income: 2007 and 2008
IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting: Venice April 2009 The Future We should seek to rebuild our Assets: l Cash Flow l 2010 – We Should Consider a Region 8 Student Branch Congress l 2011 – IEEE Sections’ Congress l More Projects from Section Chairs
IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting: Venice April 2009 A Budget for 2009 The Issues: l Regional Development vs l Cut Costs
IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting: Venice April 2009 A Budget for 2009 Proposal: l Reduce Budget and l Change Emphasis Concern: l Membership Retention
Budget 2002: $607:90K Budget 2005: $688:85K Budget 2007: $632:00K Budget 2008: $770,51K Budget 2009: $563,00K
Budget 2002: $607:90K Budget 2005: $688:85K Budget 2007: $632:00K Budget 2008: $770,51K Budget 2009: $563,00K
Emphasis towards Technical Activity. Small reduction in Membership Activity. Student Activity will be large in 2010.
Emphasis towards Technical Activity. Small reduction in Membership Activity. Student Activity will be large in 2010.
IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting: Venice April 2009 Thank You