RIVELA Database for the Research on Venice and the Lagoon Dr. Pierpaolo Campostrini Dr. Caterina Dabalà Dr. Stefania De Zorzi Prof. Renzo Orsini RIVELA Database for the Research on Venice and the Lagoon Dr. Pierpaolo Campostrini Dr. Caterina Dabalà Dr. Stefania De Zorzi Prof. Renzo Orsini CORILA The Colour of Ocean Data Brussels, 25 – 27 November 2002
Venice Lagoon Complex and delicate environment of high cultural and natural value. Wide researches in several branches. Integrated questions and urgent integrated management needs. Very long historical series of data. New monitoring activities producing huge amount of data. Need of high availability of data, tools for consistency checks and for building comprehensive models CORILA
Lagoon of Venice CORILA Research Programme Economy Data Management Architecture and cultural heritage Socio-economic aspects Environmental processes Architecture Env. Processes
Transfer of data and information International Research Centres Ministry of Public Works Private Foundations Municipality Other Public Institutions Universities National Research Council CORILA Distributed Information System CORILA
Engineering PhysicsBiology Chemistry Tools USERS Common Data Model More than “standard format”
CORILA Database RIVELA for the Research on VEnice and the LAgoon Permanent and secure storage of information from researches of CORILA and from other Institutions. Interdisciplinary data use. Harmonious exchange of data among different databases. GIS and other tools for integrated visualization of heterogeneous data, modelling and statistical analyses. Strong involvement of researchers since the early stage Internal effective, industry standard instruments, (Oracle and Intergraph engines) and non-legacy interfaces for users (.csv for file exchange and internet browser for visualisation) Wide dissemination of data to scientific community, the decision makers and the general public Data Management
Sampling Activities Stations Samples Measurements Simplified conceptual DB schema CORILA Research Projects Work Packages Activity Apparatus Method Matrixes Types of Sample Parameters Zones Environmental Units Localities Static part Dynamic part
RIVELA DB Search and Extraction Access through GIS Data Input Direct Access Web GIS CORILA
parameter values and ancillary data methodologies used auxiliary information (bibliographies, images) DB population Control and consistency check Data transfer via web Local storage Measures CORILA Data input No specific program for data entry Easy table format handled on user desktop Limited on-line operation Consistency control made on the host side
Direct: SQL; “individual productivity” tools (Excel, Access). Via the WEB: guided interactive search; interrogation through GIS. CORILA Access to data
CORILA TABLE WHAT WHERE WHEN QUERY MAP GIS instrument GIS instrument Information fluxInternal automatic control Guided queries DYNAMIC DB PART STATIC DB PART Project, Parameters and matrices, Methods, Location
1.Active maps to select any geographical object. 2.Scalable maps and selectable information layers. 3.Spatial and numerical results. CORILA Interrogation through GIS
RIVELA is an open archive for scientific data on the Venice Lagoon, aiming also to realize a distributed information system on the Venice lagoon for an effective use by researches, public Administrations, stakeholders and lay people, in the framework of the safeguarding of Venice. Main goals : to avoid any data loss from the researches to allow an immediate data availability and quality control to allow and encourage interdisciplinary data uses, wide dissemination and easy access to data. Main instruments: Efficient technology and involvement of researchers and of every data producer, showing them the added value to one’s own data, accessing larger data pools and using powerful instruments, both for analysis and visualization. CORILA Conclusions