Welcome to Kindergarten Amber Joy Kent
Mrs. Kent I have a wonderful family! My husband’s name is Reed and my son’s name is River. I love to SING! My favorite color is PINK! My favorite food is pizza. My favorite dessert is anything chocolate. I would love to travel to Venice one day. We have 3 boats. My family and I like to spend time fishing, swimming and playing in the water.
Mrs. Kesler My son David & my daughter Damaris. Mr. Kesler, me and our doggy family! I love animals and have lots of cats and dogs. My favorite color is BLUE. I love to Read. BUGS are Cool! I love the beach and wish I could live there all the time! I collect all kinds of shells. Fishing and flying in airplanes is Awesome. Damaris & I
Morning Routine When you arrive at school exit your transportation quickly and safely. If you need to eat breakfast go to the cafeteria. If you had breakfast at home go to the media center. After breakfast go directly to the media center. Enter quietly and find your class. Your teacher will pick you up to go to the classroom each morning from this spot.
When you get to the classroom… Unpack your backpack and hang it on a hook. If you have a jacket make sure to hang it up as well. Take your notebook to Mrs. Kesler’s desk and leave it. Find your seat and begin your morning work. Mrs. Kent will be at the front of the class providing instructions and help.
Our Daily Routine Morning WorkLanguage ArtsSocial Studies LUNCH! Recess MathScience Go Home Snack
Kindergarten Kids Go to Block Classes Physical EducationMusic Media Center We will go to a special block class each day. You can receive paw points for excellent behavior. It’s important in these classes to be good listeners and follow the rules.
Paw Pride in the Classroom Be RespectfulBe Responsible Be a LearnerBe Safe Respect yourself & all adults Respect other classmates and their belongings Be prepared Cooperate with others Complete assignments Clean-up after yourself Allow teachers to teach and students to learn Follow all rules and procedures Use inside voices Keep hands feet and objects to yourself Use materials correctly
Paw Pride in the Cafeteria Be Respectful 10 minutes of silence Whisper Use good table manners Be Responsible Clean up your area and under table Get permission to leave the table Be a Learner Make sure to get everything you need while you’re in line Know your lunch number Follow teachers instructions the first time Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself Walk at all times Be Safe
Paw Pride in the Hallway Be RespectfulBe Responsible Be a LearnerBe Safe Silent feet and voices Enjoy artwork and displays but do not touch Help keep walls and floors clean Use the water fountain correctly Keep hands and feet to yourself Follow directions Go directly to your destination Walk in a line and stay to the right Walk at all times
Let’s Have a GREAT year!