Introduction. The current system. The proposed system. The Problem of the study. Purpose of this study. Objectives of this study. Feasibility study
E-R diagram. Relational schema diagram. Use case diagram. Data Flow Diagram. State diagram. Activity diagram. Sequence diagram. References
The library of the most important pillars upon which the university to meet the needs of both students and academics to reach to the highest level of scientific. Project aims to develop a library of the University of Palestine to keep pace with the latest Technology, as the University of Palestine is the first university in Gaza which depends on electronic systems of the teaching.
Electronic system is working to archive library with all its materials. Presents reports to management with comprehensive statistics for all activities of the library. Recorded movements loan and return through the employee in charge.
Linking the current system with a barcode. Linking the current system with the electronic portal. Change the way the issuance of the current reports and added other reports as well. Modified system interfaces.
The problem in the study in answer the following question: The ability of library system in university of Palestine to meet the needs of library users. Is it in line library system, University of Palestine and the latest electronic technology in this area? Does the based on management of the Library for the completion of the development and continuous updating of the system? Are the based on management of the University of Palestine in general and the based on management of the Library, in particular the importance of developing and modernizing the library system on an ongoing basis? What are the steps taken by the University administration in the development of their library?
The importance of study in: 1.Provide the researcher and the user that sufficient information about the library and contents of the speed and accuracy required. 2.Activate the bonds of cooperation between library system of the University of Palestine and similar systems in universities and other educational institutions. 3.Show competition in the library system technology compared to other systems. 4.Opening the way for other studies to take advantage of the subject under consideration.
View the current system of the Library of the University of Palestine. Study the compatibility of the system and the latest technologies in the field of library management. Measure the ability of the current system to meet the needs of users and related parties. Propose amendments and improvements to the current system to increase its ability to meet the needs of users as well as taking modernization and development of such systems.
We find that the development costs less than the cost of replacing the current system a new system, so we see the feasibility in developing the system, rather than replace it.