Nickolas Potvin Advisors: Professors Hedrick, Cass, and Fernandes
Sophomore Research Seminar in Usability Science Students build mock appliances out of ad-hoc materials Data collection and experimentation error-prone
Want a system that performs these tasks automatically and interacts with user
Create an easily modifiable board with various “widgets” (input and output devices) that can be added or removed
Computer μ controller widgets Widgets connected via 1-wire bus TINI μ controller ALL devices addressablelocation independent (e.g. two previous stoves)
Experimenter does the following: Design Appliance Behavior Put Widgets on Board Perform User Study
Experimenter decides widget interactions and appliance behavior Scripting language Code compiled for use on the μ controller Program is ready to go!
Before a user can simply plug in the desired widgets… The widgets need to be designed and created 1-Wire chips Bus 7-segment display widget Widget slot Knob widget
1-Wire Bus: All widgets addressable Location independent All widgets communicate on same bus Form factor: All widgets same size (2” x 2”) Same connector to bus Same pin usage Interchangeable
Solder reflow process
Solder, solder, solder… Attach top and bottom boards together Widget ready at last to be used…
Now that the user has some widgets to use they can run their program on the μ controller (TINI)
Two widgets fully tested Four widgets fully designed Location independence Working demonstration of design Working prototype board All elements tested Scripting language Profit!
User scripting language Parser Logger Upgrade the “reflow oven” Build a bigger board More widgets! Continuing next term…