‘Restoring Venice’ A Response to the ‘Call for New Evangelisation’ in Catholic Schools Diocese of Armidale - Principals’ Conference June 2008 Dr Dan White
Restoring Venice - A Modern Parable
Restoring Venice Connections to the bedrock Identify what is worth keeping Reinforce existing structures Sink new pillars Build new supporting cross beams.
Restoring Venice Catholic Education - not a ‘deficit model’ Jewel in the Crown/Priceless treasure The Holy See… recognises the priceless treasure of Catholic schools as an indispensable instrument of evangelisation. Ensuring their genuinely Catholic identity is the Church’s greatest educational challenge. Archbishop Miller
Connecting with the Bedrock “What does it mean to be Catholic?”
What does it mean to be Catholic? The word ‘catholic’ means universal, in the sense of ‘according to the totality’ or ‘in keeping with the whole’. The Church is catholic in a double sense: First, the Church is catholic because Christ is present in her. “Where there is Christ Jesus, there is the Catholic Church.” (St. Ignatius of Antioch, Ad Smyrn. 8,2). Secondly, the Church is catholic because she has been sent out by Christ on a mission to the whole of the human race. (Libreria Editrice Vaticana1997, #830 & #831)
Testing the Pillars - What is our Mission? ‘ To enable all people to experience the abundant goodness, justice and peace of an infinitely loving God by knowing the person of Christ’ (John-Paul II, 2001)
Testing the Pillars - What is our Mission? A shift in focus: Pope John Paul II - Redemptoris Missio (#33) Evangelisation?(43%) Catechesis?(10%) New Evangelistaion?(47%)
Evangelisation - Primary Proclamation We do not live in the world and go to church… We live in the church and go to the world! Richard Rohr OFM
Catechesis ‘Initiatory’ and ‘Ongoing’ Catechesis involves the proclamation of the ‘Word’ to a relatively homogeneous Catholic community whereby the truth of Christian faith is proclaimed in a context ‘that calls forth a faith response upon the part of the hearer’ (Holohan, 1999)
New Evangelisation ‘To attend to those Christians who have lost a sense of faith or whose faith has never had the opportunity for faith formation’ John-Paul II
Pause for Reflection Discuss your understandings of the terms - Evangelisation; Catechesis and New Evangelisation What is current reality in the Armidale Diocese - is there a need to ‘sink new philosophical pillars’?
Examining the Subterranean Scaffolding: Key issues of concern What are some of the specific hallmarks of a Catholic school that should always be proclaimed and celebrated? How can Catholic schools more proactively reach out to all Catholic families who have lost contact with their faith community, with a particular emphasis on those who are marginalised and disadvantaged? (The challenge of New Evangelistaion) What formation strategies will help ensure staff employed in Catholic schools continue to have deep understanding and commitment to their changing ministry?
Restoring the Scaffolding & Cross beams: A Practical Response to the Call to New Evangelisation
Identify what is really worth keeping: Developing a Charter & Mandate for Catholic Education Key Foundational Principles A Charter for Catholic Education Specific Strategies - Recruitment & Selection - Triangulated Assessment - Signs & Symbols (“Catholic College”) Mandate linked to School Improvement.
Proactively reaching out to Catholic Families - especially those who are marginalised and disadvantaged. Imperative of providing catechetical formation for baptised Catholic Children V/S Evangelising mission of the Catholic Church in Tasmania - Revised Enrolment Policy - 75% Aspirational Target - Critical Mass? - Reserving of Places - Baptismal Strategy
Proactively reaching out to those who are marginalised or disadvantaged 2/3 rds of Tasmanian Primary Schools - bottom quintile Aspirational families & Marginalised families - Archdiocesan Catholic Education Foundation - Refugee Strategy - Equity Review - Catholic Schools Uniform Shops?
Enhancing the Spiritual Formation & Commitment of Staff Absolute Priority: Spirituality Plan - Coordinator of Mission - Theologian in residence - Expansion of retreats - Spirituality of teaching - New Graduates - Spirituality Grants - Immersion Program - Tantur - Provisional Accreditation - School/Parish Pastoral Associate
Pause for Reflection - Restoring the Scaffolding Which strategy struck you as being especially relevant to your particular school context? Do you have a specific question with regards to any of the specific strategies being implemented in the Archdiocese of Hobart?
2008 & Beyond: Why Catholic families do not choose Catholic Schools? Investigation into Child Care Provision Board Formation Parish - School Partnerships Charter for Parents - Partnership Agreement?
Conclusion: Continuous School Improvement Authentic Dialogue New Evangelisation is more than “painting over the cracks” - a continual process of restoration & enlivenment. “ Restoring Venice is a never ending story …”