Awareness in Agriculture Recognizing and Responding to Infectious Diseases
The Goal Responding to symptoms, not memorizing diseases.
Symptoms That May Spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E Blisters Neurological Disorders
Blisters Blisters mean: Blisters mean: –Vesicular disease Vesicle means: Vesicle means: –a small sac or cyst, especially one containing fluid
Vesicular diseases Foot and Mouth Disease Foot and Mouth Disease Swine Vesicular Disease Swine Vesicular Disease Hog Cholera Hog Cholera African Swine Fever African Swine Fever Vesicular Stomatitis Vesicular Stomatitis African Horse Sickness African Horse Sickness
Alternative Diagnosis Other sources of blisters Other sources of blisters –Bovine Viral Diarrhea –Blister Beetles Two unruptured vesicles on a bovine tongue.
What To Do?
Neurological Disorders Staggering Staggering Change in personality Change in personality Disorientation Disorientation Vocalization Vocalization
Encephalitis Victims Eastern Encephalitis Eastern Encephalitis –Horses, birds, humans Western Encephalitis Western Encephalitis –Horses, birds, humans Venezuelan Encephalitis Venezuelan Encephalitis –Horses, birds, humans West Nile Virus West Nile Virus –Horses, birds, humans Rabies Rabies –All mammals
A Really Serious Symptom Sudden Death
Anthrax Sheep Sheep Cattle Cattle Horses Horses Pigs Pigs Mink Mink Cats Cats Dogs Dogs
Anthrax Acts In Different Ways Ruminants Ruminants –Sudden death often the only sign –If other symptoms do occur, you might see: fever and excitement depression, stupor, disorientation, muscle tremors, dyspnea, abortion, congested mucous membranes bloody discharges from the nose, mouth and anus –You might also see widespread swellings –In other cases, you may see staggering, trembling and dyspnea, followed by rapid collapse, terminal convulsions and death
Anthrax in Horses Live up to a week Live up to a week Symptoms include: Symptoms include: –Fever –Chills –Depression –Severe colic –Bloody diarrhea –Swellings
Pigs with Anthrax Sudden death may be the only symptom Sudden death may be the only symptom Many pigs have mild chronic infections characterized by swelling, fever and enlarged lymph nodes Many pigs have mild chronic infections characterized by swelling, fever and enlarged lymph nodes –These pigs generally recover Some pigs develop progressive swelling of the throat, with dyspnea and difficulty swallowing Some pigs develop progressive swelling of the throat, with dyspnea and difficulty swallowing – These animals may suffocate Intestinal involvement, with anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, is less common Intestinal involvement, with anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, is less common
Anthrax Symptoms In Other Animals Show symptoms similar to pigs Show symptoms similar to pigs –Dogs –Cats –Wild carnivores
Other Diagnosis In Sudden Death Cases Acute bloat Acute bloat Blackleg Blackleg Black Disease Black Disease Malignant Edema Malignant Edema Toxin Toxin Lightning strike Lightning strike
Don’t Rule Out Anthrax Non-historical anthrax premises should not be excluded Non-historical anthrax premises should not be excluded Down animals should not be slaughtered for human consumption unless the cause of illness can be clearly identified Down animals should not be slaughtered for human consumption unless the cause of illness can be clearly identified
Human Anthrax Three forms: Three forms: –Cutaneous 5 to 25 percent fatal if untreated –Intestinal Almost always fatal if untreated, treatment may be too late –Pulmonary Almost always fatal if untreated, treatment may be too late
Presentation Theme Call the State Veterinarian! Dr. Susan Keller
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