4 TH Biennial Meeting OCTOBER 21-23, 2010 INML,I.P. – LEGAL MEDICINE NATIONAL INSTITUTE SOUTH BRANCH – LISBON – PORTUGAL Rosa H. de Gouveia or Rui Gonçalves or Manuela Marques Rua Manuel Bento de Sousa, 3 – Lisboa Tel: Fax: e.mail(s): or SPAP, SPC-GEDMP AECVP President Ulrik Braandrup (DK) 21 ST OCTOBER (12h-16h) Registration (12h) Opening Ceremony (13h) R.H. de Gouveia (PT), U. Braandrup (DK), J. Costa Santos (PT) Basic Sciences & Cardiovascular Pathology (13.20h) Chairpersons: U. Braandrup (DK), A. Cidadão (PT) Stem Cells in Cardiovascular Diseases Nuno Cardim (PT) Therapy of Heart Failure: Regeneration vs Transplantation Annalisa Angelini (IT) Genetics of Sudden and Unexplained Death María Brión (SP) Coronary Artery Disease and Sudden Cardiac Death in the Young Gaetano Thiene (IT) Coffee-Break (14.30h) Valvular Pathology (14.45h) Chairpersons:Gaetano Thiene (IT), M.Abecasis (PT) Clinical Aspects and Diagnosis of Valvular Diseases Diogo Cavaco (PT) Valvular Diseases and Sudden Death Cristina Basso (IT) New Trends in Valvular Surgery Manuel Antunes (PT) Surgical Pathology Update in Valvular Disease Patrick Bruneval (FR) Board Meeting (16h) Board Dinner (19h) 22 ND OCTOBER (9h-20h) Cardiomyopathies (9h) Chairpersons: C. Aguiar (PT), U. Braandrup (DK) Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis and Treatment Hugo Madeira (PT) Pathology of Secondary Cardiomyopathies Ornella Leone (IT) Cardiac Transplantation in Secondary Cardiomyopathies Margaret Burke (UK) Portuguese Paramyloidosis: History, Pathology & Molecular Aspects Dulce Brito (PT) Coffee-Break (10.20h) Keynote-Lecture1 (10.35h) Chairperson: R.H. de Gouveia Interventional Cardiology in 2010 Ricardo Seabra-Gomes Free Communications1 (11.10h) Chairpersons: I. Fonseca (PT), I. Kholová (FIN) Lunch (12h) Drugs and the Heart (13h) Chairpersons: D.N. Vieira (PT), Paul Fornes (FR) Drug Therapy of Cardiovascular Diseases – Pros & Cons Jorge Ferreira (PT) Cardiac Side-Effects of Cancer Therapy Carlos Carvalho (PT) Cardiovascular Intoxication – How to Perform Toxicological Investigation? Mário João Dias (PT) Pathology of Cardiovascular Intoxication Rosa Henriques de Gouveia (PT) Cardiovascular Pathology in Cocaine Abusers – Spanish Experience Joaquin Lucena (SP) Coffee-Break (14.10h) Key-note Lecture2 (14.25h) Chairperson: Gaetano Thiene (IT) Henry the Navigator Rui Carita (PT) Free Communications2 (14.55h) Chairpersons: K. Survana (UK), E. Pinto (PT) Bussiness Meeting (16.15h) Congress Dinner (20h) 23 RD OCTOBER (9h-16.30h) Keynote Lecture3 (9h) Chairperson: Gaetano Thiene (IT) The Future of Cardiovascular Pathology J.P. Veinot (CAN) What is it? Session (9.30h) Chairpersons: P. Gallagher (UK), R. Anjos (PT) Coffee-Break (10.45h) Poster Session1 (11h) Chairpersons: M. Sheppard (UK), E. Pinto (PT), S. Ramos (PT) Lunch (12h) Neurological Vascular Pathology (13h) Chairpersons: A. v. der Wal (NL), C. Januário (PT) The Heart-Brain Axis João Queirós e Melo (PT) & Isabel Rocha (PT) Neuro-Oftalmological View João Costa (PT) Vascular Pathological Aspects Patrick Gallagher (UK) Surgical and Interventional Management A.J. Gonçalves Ferreira & Domingos Coiteiro (PT) Poster Session2 (14.10h) Chairpersons: K. Michaud (CH), L. Catarino (PT) Coffee-Break (15.10h) Prizes Award “Momentum” (15.25h) Free Communications – Ascenção Rebelo (PT) Posters – Francisco Henriques de Gouveia (PT) What is it? Session – Ulrik Braandrup (DK) Closing Ceremony (16h) Chairpersons: U. Braandrup (DK), R.H.de Gouveia (PT), D.N. Vieira (PT) PROGRAM