STROKE A stroke is when there is an insignificant amount of blood flow to a certain part of the brain.
Miley Cyrus Age: 21 years Lives with her ex-boyfriend Started having symptoms about a week ago.
Miley started to experience… – Sudden numbness on the right side of her body – Sudden confusion and trouble speaking – Sudden blurred vision in her right eye – Sudden dizziness and loss of balance – Sudden severe headache Symptoms
Regions of the Brain Wernicke's area Broca's area Parietal lobe on the left side of the brain Areas of the motor cortex on the left side of the brain that deal with the movement if the face and limbs. Areas of the sensory cortex that deal with the face and arms.
Diagnosis-tests Physical examination – Examine for symptoms to fine of if she is truly having a stroke. Blood test – Done to determine blood's clotting time, blood sugar levels and key chemicals in the blood. CT scan – X-rays are used to create a detailed image of the brain. MRI – Uses radio waves and magnets to create a detailed image of the brain. Carotid ultrasound – The uses of sound waves to create detailed images of the inside of the carotid arteries in the neck. Cerebral angiogram – Uses a catheter to inject dye to see a detailed view of arteries in your brain and neck. Echocardiogram – The uses of sound waves to create detailed images of your heart
Treatments tPA (tissue plasminogen activator) :which dissolves the clot and improves the blood flow Endovascular Procedure: which the doctor tries to remove the blood clot by using a cathiter
Prognosis Many patients survive, but if they do damage is usually done Severe damage may result in having a speech, physical, and occupational therapists to help them recover Many patients have physical weakness after through the rest of their life
Error in Communication Blood clot Clot causes action potential to halt and information cant be sent from neuron to neuron
Biomedical Professionals Clinical Chemistry Analyze blood and other substances for diagnosing diseases, and toxicological studies Can diagnose a stroke by using substances and if the patient has any other problems with blood or other substances can figure out the disease Transfusion Science Identify blood groups, matching blood to patient, and making sure there is always enough blood If patient needs blood they can figure out the persons blood type and give then the correct type of blood
Symptoms of a Stroke in Women - Go Red for Women. (n.d.). Retrieved November 13, 2014, from heart- disease/symptoms_of_heart_disease_in_wom en/symptoms-of-a-stroke/ heart- disease/symptoms_of_heart_disease_in_wom en/symptoms-of-a-stroke/ Effects of a Stroke on the Brain. (n.d.). Retrieved November 13, 2014, from resources/patient-education-materials/atlas- of-human-body/ resources/patient-education-materials/atlas- of-human-body/ Stroke. (n.d.). Retrieved November 13, 2014, from conditions/stroke/basics/tests-diagnosis/con http:// conditions/stroke/basics/tests-diagnosis/con