Pruritic lesions wrists/abdomen/feet Infant uncomfortable Siblings with few pruritic lesions Mom denies lesions but constantly rubbing interdigital webs of her hands What is this? What is the recommended therapy?
What is this? What is the management? Permethrin 1 % OTC applied to scalp/hair x 10 mins Others: Permethrin 5%, Lindane 1% shampoo Treat bedmates and immediate household members Wash linens/head gear, vacuum floors and furniture Return to school day after tx Not necessary to treat pets
Infected with HPV Usually on hands/feet/fingers Spread by nail biting, contact sports, sexual contact 80% spontaneous remission by 2 years Tx options: liquid nitrogen, laser, topical creams
Pearly papular, pruritic lesions Central umbilication MOLLUSCUM CONTAGIOSUM Poxvirus Benign
30 mos old male Brown, blotchy macules trunk/upper extremities First appeared at 9 mos as red then turned into blisters After rubbing lesion, edema within lesion and surrounding erythema What is the most likely diagnosis? URITCARIA PIGMENTOSA
LANGERHAN CELL HISTIOCYTOSIS Erythematous papular rash w/petechiae Seborrheic rash Lytic lesions of skull DI
24 – 48 hours after birth Wright stain: Eosinophils Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum At birth Wright stain: PMNs Transient Neonatal Pustular Melanosis Erythema toxicum neonatorum
NEVUS SEBACEOUS Waxy yellow-orange plaque Alopecia Present at birth Growth after puberty
Incontinentia Pigmenti X linked, dominant 3 Phases Blisters/vesicles Warty papules Hyperpigmentation Assoc. w/ CNS, Optho
Strawberry hemangiomas STRAWBERRY HEMANGIOMA Superficial Overgrowth after first weeks of life Rapid growth x 6 mos Slow regression Remove if obstruction vital organ, ulceration, hemorrhage, cosmetic disfigurement
Deep Hemangioma Deep hemangioma
Port wine stain Port Wine Stain Present at birth Stable and flat Treat w/pulsed yellow laser Asso. w/: Sturge Weber Klippel-Treanaunay- Weber
Disease Associations Sturge-Weber Syndrome Opthalmic branch trigeminal nerve Ipsilateral venous leptomeningeal angiomatosa Seizures, Hemiplegia Mental retardation, Glaucoma Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome PWS + Hemihypertrophy Kassabach-Merritt Syndrome Rapidly progressive hemangioma Platelet sequestration and coagulopathy
melanoma What makes this a melanoma? Change in size/shape Irregular borders Change in surface Scaling, ulceration, bleeding Change in color Burning, itching, or tenderness
Ash Leaf Spot This is the earliest cutaneous manifestation of what disease? TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS Ash leaf present at birth 70-90% patients with TS Periventricular/Cortical Tubers Seizures
Tuberous Sclerosis Other cutaneous manifestations Adenoma Sebaceum Periungal fibromas Shagreen patch
What is the prognosis? ALOPECIA AREATA Sudden onset No changes of skin May have assoc. nail pitting Regrowth in 1 year
Traction AlopeciaTrichotillomania
Tinea corporis SCALY Granuloma Annulare NOT SCALY
NEUROFIBROMATOS IS Neurofibromas not seen until after puberty NF1 NF2 Bilateral acoustic neuroma Present teens/20s
NF1 (von Recklinghausen Disease) 6 or more café au lait macules 2 or more neurofibromas or 1 plexiform neurofibroma Axillary or inguinal freckling Optic glioma 2 or more Lisch nodules Sphenoid dysplasia or thinning of long bones First degree relative with NF1
Café au lait spots Coast of what???? NF1 Coast of Cali ○ Smooth borders McCune-Albright Syndrome Coast of Maine ○ Irregular borders Fibrous Dysplasia Precocious Puberty