APPLICATION TDLCR – All new Drivers and any Driver needing a Driving License. GORT3451(4) – Existing Drivers not covered by TDLCR. For all other Drivers 3451 simply refers to TDLCR GORT3452(1) – Train dispatch, shunting, travelling as competent person with a train driver October 14, 2014 D Shackleton 2
GENERAL FITNESS TDLCRGORT3451(4)GORT3452(1) ….must not be suffering from any medical conditions or be taking any medication, drugs or substances which are likely to cause— (a) a sudden loss of consciousness, (b) a reduction in attention or concentration, (c) sudden incapacity, (d) a loss of balance or coordination, (e) significant limitation of mobility. ECG for drivers on appointment and over 40 October 14, 2014 D Shackleton 3
VISION 1 TDLCR3451(4)3452(1) General requirement NoneRailway undertakings shall not permit persons …there is reason to believe that a person’s vision, or the means used to correct it, could impair their performance Distance Acuity with correction if worn 1,0; minimum of 0,5 for the worse eye, at least 6/9 in the better eye and 6/12 in the other eye 6/9 in the better eye and 6/12 in the other eye Max correctionHypermetropia+5 myopia -8 uncorrected visual acuity at least 3/60 in each eye October 14, 2014 D Shackleton 4
VISION 2 TDLCR3451(4)3452(1) Near/intermediate vision (corrected) SufficientN8 binocularNo requirement Colour visionNormal. Ishihara or other recognised test No defective CV. Test not specified. No defective CV for comp pers at all, or for TD/shunter if task requires. Test not specified Binocular visionEffective, field full.(Exception s?) No specific requirement but covered by general requirements. Eye diseaseNumerous individual requirements No pathological condition likely to cause visual impairment. No progressive eye diseases. October 14, 2014 D Shackleton 5
HEARING TDLCR3451(4)3452(1) Mandatory standard hold a phone conversation and to be able to hear warning sounds and radio messages AudiometryAudiometry must be performed. No mandatory standard. RecommendationMax hearing deficiency 40 dB at 0.5 and 1 kHz. Max deficiency 45 dB at 2 kHz for the ear with the worst air conduction of sound. Hearing aidsAllowed in standard Allowed, in guidance Other commentsReferences to hearing and vestib.disorders Mentions widely adopted standard for PTS: Max loss 30 dB averaged over frequencies 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 kHz in either ear October 14, 2014 D Shackleton 6
CLARIFICATION VA TDLCRGuidance Aided or unaided distance visual acuity: 1,0; minimum of 0,5 for the worse eye, Visual acuity must be at least 1.0 (6/6 Snellen) with both eyes open and 0.5 (6/12 Snellen) in the weaker eye when the eyes are tested individually. Testing performed with permitted correction if worn. Maximum corrective lenses: hypermetropia + 5 / myopia -8, If corrective lenses are needed to meet the requirements in (a) then a current prescription provided by a registered ophthalmic optician is sufficient evidence for the purposes of this requirement. The limits in 2b should be taken to refer to the higher power meridian October 14, 2014 D Shackleton 7 GORT3451(4) Appendix A Part 3 includes guidance on what Schedule 1 of TDLCR means
CLARIFICATION CV TDLCRGuidance Normal colour visionIndividuals who pass a properly conducted Ishihara test can be considered to have normal colour vision for the purposes of this requirement. The recognised doctor may also use other validated tests of colour vision at their discretion, for example if acquired colour vision deficiency is suspected. Recognition of colour signals: the test must be based on recognition of single colours and not on relative differences, The use of "lantern tests" is not mandatory. Where such tests are used the individual should be able to correctly name colours presented singly rather than comparing two or more colours presented simultaneously. October 14, 2014 D Shackleton 8
CLARIFICATION EYE EYE TDLCRGuidance Field of vision: full,Visual field may be tested by normal clinical examination. Specialist testing may be needed if significant visual field defect is suspected. Binocular vision: effective,The individual must have effective vision in both eyes with correct fusion i.e. no diplopia. Vision for both eyes: effective; not required in a case where a person loses binocular vision after starting job as train driver when that person has adequate adaptation and sufficient compensation experience, The requirement relating to a person losing binocular vision is under review at European level. October 14, 2014 D Shackleton 9
CLARIFICATION ?? TDLCRGuidance Sensitivity to contrasts: good, Poor contrast sensitivity may accompany other visual abnormalities, resulting in a failure to meet one of the other requirements. If all of the other requirements are met but there is reason to suspect that the subject's vision is poor in sub optimal lighting conditions or conditions of poor visibility such as fog then further screening or specialist evaluation can be arranged at the discretion of the recognised doctor. Ability to withstand dazzle, If all of the other requirements are met but there is reason to suspect that the subject's vision is poor in sub optimal lighting conditions then further screening or specialist evaluation can be arranged at the discretion of the recognised doctor. October 14, 2014 D Shackleton 10