“Injuries that most commonly occur during sports or exercise” - The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIH) Caused by: o Poor training o Improper equipment o Improper nutrition o Insufficient warm-up and/or stretching after exercise o Genetics Get off my leg
Ankle Sprain Bruises Concussions Groin Strain Hamstring Strain Knee Joint Injuries Stress Fractures
“Injury to one or more of the ligaments in the ankle” -American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Most common athletic injury Inversion sprain: “rolling” of ankle Eversion sprain: uncommon o Contact with another athlete o Incorrect shoes o Discrepancy of playing surface That looks painful!
Treatment: o RICE (Rest, Ice, Elevation, Compression) Sports: o Volleyball o Soccer o Football o Basketball
Warm up before exercise Proper footwear/ Don’t wear high heels Maintain good muscle strength and flexibility Play sports that you are conditioned for Stability training
“An area of skin discoloration” “ National Institutes of Health” Contusion/Hematoma 3 types of bruises: o Subcutaneous- beneath the skin o Intramuscular- within underlying muscle o Periosteal- bone bruise OUCH!
Treatment: o Rest o Ice o Elevation o Tylenol (reduce pain) Sports: o All contact sports
Wear proper sports equipment Be mindful of your body Avoid contact sports
“Type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head” o “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” Most occur without loss of consciousness Result of a hard hit Brain moves rapidly back and forth
Treatment: o Remove athlete from play o Evaluation from a health care professional o Have parents fill out a fact sheet o Keep athlete out of play until cleared Sports: o Football o Soccer o Basketball o Hockey o Volleyball
Preseason: o Check with school for policies o Have a concussion action plan o Get checked out by Athletic Trainers During Season: o Wear proper equipment o Avoid head-to-head contact o Be alert to opponents/teammates/ball
“Pain in the groin” According to abouthealth.com A muscle pull Adductors are stretched beyond limits Sudden change of direction Common in field/court sports
Treatment: o RICE (Rest Ice Compression Elevation) o Gentle groin stretches Sports: o Soccer o Football o Volleyball o Basketball o Field Hockey o Baseball
Proper warm up and stretching: o Standing groin stretch o Seated groin and inner thigh stretch o Hip flexor stretch
One of the most common injuries Acute/sudden: o Sprinting related o Stretch related Treatment: o RICE o Sports massage o Electrotherapy o Ultrasound Sports: o Track o Soccer o Field hockey
Stretching exercises Strengthening/training Maintaining fitness Proper warm up Conditioning
ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injury: o Changing direction/cutting o Landing after a jump with a sudden slowing down o Makes a “pop” sound MCL (medial collateral ligament) injury: o Sudden twisting force through the knee o 3 grades: Partial tear Incomplete tear Complete tear MCL injury MCL injury YIKES!
Treatment: o RICE o Strengthening/physical therapy Sports: o Volleyball o Basketball o Soccer o Field hockey o Football
Strength and conditioning Staying in shape Wear proper sports gear Stretch before and after sports Knee brace (if previously injured)
“Tiny cracks in the bone” “SportsMD” Constant overuse and distress in an area Pain increases Crack in the bone widens Ache and swelling in the site
Treatment: o Rest o Walking boot or brace o Cast/crutches o Physical therapy Sports: o High impact o Repetitive movements o Baseball (pitching) o Track and Field o Basketball
Eat a nutritious diet Use proper equipment and shoes Strength, plyometrics, and core training Stretch before, during, and after play Plyos
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