Everyone feels stress at one time or another in their life so the question is how do we deal with stress? What is your “go to” stress reliever? Who do you vent to when you have a problem? Is their a place you go to get away from it?
Acute stress: “Temporary” Chronic stress: “Unrelieved or long term” How can acute stress become chronic? What are the dangers of chronic stress?
Exhaustion Damage to heart and blood vessels Often results in self destructive behaviors as a means of escape Diminished immune system function(get sick more)
Rise in blood pressure Rapid shallow breathing Raised body temp. and sweating Feeling weakness, faintness Grinding teeth during sleep Sleeplessness Loss of appetite, sudden weight loss Excessive appetite, sudden weight gain Frequent illness, Accident proneness
Anxiety, irritability, or depression Emotional instability Compulsive behavior Insecurity, excessive worrying Increased awkwardness in social situations Avoidance of activities Loss of energy Feeling powerless
Alarm: First phase in stress response, this is when you realize you are facing a challenge or change. The body releases stress hormones, which activates the nerves in all systems.
Resistance: body mobilizes to withstand the effects of stress. This stage is also known as the “fight or flight stage”. This is when your body shuts down non essential body systems and directs blood and energy to the muscles and brain, giving you the ability to fight harder or run faster.
Recovery or Exhaustion: Last phase in the stress response. This is when your body returns to normal. Because of the sudden rise of stress hormones and energy being used in the resistance phase your body needs time to rest and recover. This is why people are often exhausted following high stress situations.
Time management: make a list and set dates and times to get things done Use coping devices: Safe short term ways of managing stress ie: venting Use displacement: transfer the energy into something else ie: exercising