This lesson we will be reflecting on... TEST Results and revision We are re-sitting the test on MONDAY 8 th July (get this in your journals)
Exam Results Out of or below U GRADE 12 Marks - F 16 Marks - E 20 Marks – D 24 marks – C 28 Marks – B 32 Marks - A
Highest Mark Saleh – 26 Marks (C) Awais – 25 Marks (C) AWAIS
Quality TQM (System) Strict structured systems in place by management. Processes, procedures, protocol. E.g. This must be done, that must be done. What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages? Clue: Correct? Workers feelings? Quality Assurance (Culture) A believe by all staff that quality is important. This is an expectation and all is responsible for quality in their job role. What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages? Clue: Blame
JIT Getting stock when you need it. AdvantagesDisadvantages
JIT Getting stock when you need it. AdvantagesDisadvantages No need to hold stock therefore saving space in warehouse costs Save Staff Costs won’t need to man the stock. If trends change, money won’t be tied up in stock. Can’t meet demand in their is a sudden rise in customers. Takes time to get hold of stock. Production could stop (think flow production) if a part was needed in the middle of the process.
Task 1.You will receive your test paper back 2.Read and Reflect on your answers 3.Using the internet and my power points research where you went wrong. 4.Using RED pen – write down a correct response. 5.Try the QUALITY QUIZ S:\Hunter, Mrs\Year 9 GCSE (EdExcel)\Unit 3 - Building a Business
Take your test papers home. Revise these... We re-sit the SAME test on Monday