Hello! ENGLISH for the 3 rd Grade
READ Today is Tuesday. It’s 7 o’clock in the evening. I’m sitting in my bedroom. I’m doing my homework.
My mother is in the kitchen. She’s making a pizza.
My father is in the living room. He’s playing with my brother Martin.
And what is the cat doing? It’s sleeping on the armchair.
Answer: Where is Andrew? - He is in the bedroom. What time is it? - It’s 7 o’clock. Who is sitting in the bedroom?
Where is Andrew’s mother? - She is in the kitchen. What is she doing? - She’s making a pizza.
Where is Andrew’s father? - He is in the living room. What is he doing? - He is playing with Martin.
Listen, point and repeat: What is she doing? She is watching TV. What is he doing? He is reading. What is it doing? It is running.
he is = he’s she is = she’s it is = it’s Do you remember this?
Read and match. Then ask and answer. What is he doing? He’s eating. He’s playing football. He’s jumping. He’s cooking. He’s writing. He’s swimming. He’s sleeping.
What’s she doing? She’s watching TV. She’s dancing She’s reading. She’s cooking. She’s playing basketball. What is = What’s
What’s it doing? It’s sleeping. It’s sitting. It’s running. It’s jumping. It’s eating. It’s swimming.
The end The end Created by: S. Kostadinova – English teacher at Hristo Botev School