WHO IS WHO? She is a young girl. She has got long straight and dark hair. Her eyes are big and green. She’s got a small nose and a small mouth. She’s got freckles. Who is she?
WHO IS WHO? She has got short wavy red hair, big brown eyes and a small mouth. Her face is oval. Who is she?
WHO IS WHO? She has got short curly blue hair, small blue eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. She’s brunette and her face is square. Who is she?
WHO IS WHO? She’s a young woman. She’s got shoulder-length straight red hair, big dark eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. Her face is oval. Who is she?
WHO IS WHO? She is middle-aged. She has got a round face. Her hair is short, straight and brown. She’s got small eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. She wears glasses. Who is she?