TNT 2006 What Makes a REAL Friend Radical Spiritual Friendship TNT 2006
What makes someone a good friend?
TNT 2006 What do you like best about your BFF? “My best-friend Alicia is the best because I can trust her with my life! She's always there for me and I can talk to her about anything. She's really good for advice.” --Ashley “I can tell my best-friend anything and she always helps me when I am sad!” --Rachel “The thing I like most about my best-friend is that she is really nice to me all the time.” --Amber “I have two best-friends and they stick with me all the time.” --Sara
TNT 2006 What do you like best about your best-friend? “My best-friend Alicia is the best because I can trust her with my life! She's always there for me and I can talk to her about anything. She's really good for advice.” --Ashley “I can tell my best-friend anything and she always helps me when I am sad!” --Rachel “The thing I like most about my best-friend is that she is really nice to me all the time.” --Amber “I have two best-friends and they stick with me all the time.” --Sara
TNT 2006 Friends Serve Me! How can I get people to like me? How can I get what I want from my friends? How can I convince my friends that I am right? FRIENDSHIP IS ABOUT ME!!
TNT 2006 NO, IT’S NOT! Friendship is about BEING a good friend! Learn how to GIVE to others –You meet their needs –Care for them (no matter what) –A whole life of loving people
TNT 2006 Radical Spiritual Friendship God commands us to love others... –we can because of Jesus 1 John 4:19 John 5:12-14
TNT 2006 Jonathan + David Friendship based on commitment to God –David trusted God – killed Goliath –Jon trusted God – killed 20 soldiers + drove away an entire army –1 Samuel 18:1-4 Let nothing come between them Drew closer when tested (1 Samuel 20:31-34) Friends ‘til end (1 Samuel 20:42)
TNT 2006 Learning to Love It’s a PROCESS! –Are you willing to put your friend first? Prov 27:6 – “faithful are wounds of a friend” –Are you willing to bear your friends burdens? Gal 6:2 “bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ.” –If you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them (John 13:17)