All about Mrs. Willis
I grew up in Rushville, Missouri I went to Rushville Elementary School and graduated from DeKalb High School. Can you tell which one is me? Look at the snazzy clothes!
I graduated from the University of Missouri…and recently from Fort Hays State University. I also have a Master’s Degree from Benedictine College.
These are my kids….Jenna is 13. She’s in 8 th grade at AMS. Archer is 10 and in 5 th grade here at AES. I am married to a special guy named “Chris”… He is a police officer
We have dogs, too!! Ellie is the Miniature Schnauzer and she’s 7. Spot was rescued by a shelter and he’s 6. Nike is a female puppy and she’s 4 months old.
6 What I Like: I Love Baseball, especially the Royals!
7 I Love the Tigers! It’s my school and it means a lot to me!
What I Like I LOVE VOLLEYBALL!!!!! DWs&feature=youtube_gdata_player DWs&feature=youtube_gdata_player 8
WHAT ABOUT YOU? What do you like to do? I can’t wait to find out More about all of you!!!
I know that together, we’ll do some great BRAINSTORMING