Fishy color scheme A school of fish swims in the Isle de Madeleine off Senegal's capital, Dakar.
Watching for drama The Whiskers mob of meerkats checks out its surroundings. This family of meerkats' dramatic struggle to survive in Africa's Kalahari Desert is documented on Animal Planet's Meerkat Manor show.
Strapped to love A chinstrap penguin named Beaker cuddles with her two chicks at the Central Park Zoo in New York.
Elegant greens A green iguana is seen at the National Zoo of Managua, Nicaragua.
'Privacy, please!' Two chickens share a look at a market in the northern Indian city of Allahabad.
Crawling from extinction With a GPS transmitter attached to her shell, a female green turtle crawls back to the water after laying more than 100 eggs in the beach breeding grounds of Wanan Island, Taiwan. Mass killings have decimated the ranks of green turtles, but now locals are working hard to preserve the rare species from further devastation.
Basketful of cute A lion cub named Andy sits in his basket at the Serengeti Park in Hodenhagen, Germany.
A swimmingly good time Botija the polar bear takes a swim as visitors snap photos during the bear's 35th birthday celebration at Buenos Aires Zoo in Argentina.
Resting on love Mamitu, a 30-year-old gorilla, rests with her newborn, Haiba, at Zoo Zurich in Switzerland. Haiba was born on July 15.
Picturing opposites Radar, a Belgian draft horse and reigning Guinness World Record holder as the Tallest Living Horse at 6 feet 6 inches, and Thumbelina, a miniature sorrel brown mare and the world's Smallest Living Horse at 17.5 inches, are united for the first time for a photo shoot.
Dashing to victory Greyhounds race for the GRNSW Country Challenge Appin Cup in Sydney, Australia.
Enamored celeb Polar bear cub Knut takes an interest in the first book about him. Knut became a major attraction at the Zoo Berlin in Germany last year after his mother abandoned him.
Face of the future A newborn panda sleeps in an incubator at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in China's Sichuan Province. The giant panda is one of the world's most endangered species and is found only in China.
Milking it A red milkweed beetle clings to a milkweed leaf in Great Falls, Mont. The beetle is one of the few insects that can safely feed on the milkweed plant.
Puss in boots A kitten looks out from a boot in Kalisz, Poland.
Furry bomb squad A rat and cat are seen in a cage at a police station in Bogota, Colombia. The Colombian police force has been experimenting with training rodents to detect explosives in minefields. The process would take advantage of rats' acute sense of smell and low weight, which would allow them to find mines without activating the explosives. Cats are included in the training to help rats become used to possible predators.
Pulling for home Adrian, a Jersey cow, gets a big tug as she's moved back into a barn after her milking at the Boonville Oneida County Fair in Boonville, N.Y.
Fluid dancer A seal swims in a pillar-shaped tank at the Fureai Lagoon, a new attraction at Hakkeijima Sea Paradise in Yokohama, south of Tokyo.
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